oh my god.

  • anyone who is portuguese and comes here to bash on their own country, is not only an idiot, but is the exact type of person they said we all are. i'm portuguese, and my opinion is pretty darn simple: we're all people. like everyone else in other countries, we don't all have the same personalities, it's just so bluntly ignorant to come in and call us hispanics and morons. where do you come from johny? some place nice? i bet everyone thinks you're a prick, btw (: alright, we're not always the nicest people, but hey, tourists don't always give us reasons to behave nice. i've seen a lot of nasty, rude and arrogant tousists who think we're all a bunch of f***ing morons who can't even speak properly. so why, oh why, would i even bother to help someone like that? if you're nice, if you smile and speak to us in a normal tone, i assure you that 80% of us we'll be nothing short of politer and helpful. it's who we are as a nation, bottom line. english people are polite, educated and always on time, that's their stereotype. ours is that we're friendly, nearly always drunk and we love parties. everything else, and even that, is generalizing things to a point of blind stupidity.

    filipa 09 Feb 2009, 01:27 - Report
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Portuguese people are absolutely nice

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