To all the people speaking without any knowledge of what they're saying...

  • yes.i'm portuguese.i live in lisbon and i'm software engineer and work at one of the biggest software company's in the world...therefore i had to everyone is dumb or ignorant as many have said.while a student i participated in erasmus, european student exchange programme,in poland and there i had the possibility to travel all over the europe and met almost every country.guess what?in all of them i met very stupid people and very cool people.for example...poland due to it's history,people are usually a little bit dark(in this i mean older people),they do not apreciate foreign people,in the meanwhile young people are awesome,always looking to know a little more about us.polish guys normally hate any latin guys...some issues with girls,which is explain because we have a different style/look/skin/habits...i also have felt racism in poland specially in clubs...but...also have been very well pleased.
    when i went to was quite a shock...haven't met a single person that i can're so kind...or even nice.guys always looking for trouble...when they listened a different language...even if they didn't knew what language it was...they where always trying to bullying us...shame for them we were in much bigger number...i was almost desperate to think english people sucks...when we got to the hostel and got in the same floor of some english student doing a trip to england...there i meet what english people is...they're cool to...but have some problems with trusting someone not from their circle of friends...and always trying to impress them.even here in portugal...specially algarve...i met so many cool british and all of them say...they love this country.

    went to france...guess what?the same thing...not very kind...till they met you...germany...racism?ohhh many times...but can i generalize?some of my floormates in erasmus where german...the right expression to qualify vibe.always in to party and everything...but also have their...perfectism in everything they do...and racism?went with them to auschwitz,nazi concentration camp...and spoke with them and saw shame on their eyes and the same pain that every person who ever been there felt.

    italy...i read about and italian here speaking about we steeling their culture...habits...spare me the ceaser's tried to dominate europe...and portugal is also an latin coutry?and has a latin language...and most of the cities have latin you know what that even means? metrosexualism is not the colars are all around...just watch a fashion magazine...ok...back to italy,rome is f***ing dirty...if i had the same kind of perception of reality that many have spoken about portugal...i would much for fashion but you don't even clean your streets or houses...but it's not correct...i saw italian guys trying to hang out with our girls and their arguments where always about money and stuff they my country i would call off..stupid...silly...promiscuos...bla bla bla..once your in the disco club they all getting along with us...partying...drinking...beautifull girls also.

    czech republic...beautiful prague...people are awesome...though older people dont look you in the eyes.can i generaliza?nop...when to a restaurant in the meadle of brno and the owner(a 65year old man) met some portuguese long time ago in africa...he treated us like king...even sleeped at is home.

    spain...well spainish for me are like the the the culture.yes they have some their problems also...not very clean streets and have pamplona bull race...etc...have eta terrorism...but even though...i met many basque people and all of them,specially from bilbao...are the most crazy i ever met.ongietorri was the first thing they told me when i arrived there...wich means..wellcome...where they terrorist's?who cares...great people...with some political/historical issues and explained to me...and shocker...they have all the reason to complain about...but their actions blow up everything losing all the reason it self.

    i could speak of almost every country...and it would be the same repeating story.

    met aussies...those guys are sick in the good way...insame perhaps...but historicaly they initially had some states that where penal colony' the analogy of what i read above...they would be all sons of convicts.

    americans..i met so many dumb american...i lost count...many of them tought that spain was aside mexico...portugal was part of history for them is like quantum science for a 5 year old kid...springbreak is the top of human futility..."yeahhh beer!yeahh rock on!!! pussy pussy...let me see some boobs"...well it's their culture...i respect it...cause...america is all about culture...native american are a minority...and the roots are european and african.what concerns to inteligence...well...they have the best scientist in the world...and the biggest archivements of the modern generalize...just say...they have a lousy education system.

    portugal is one of the most multicultural country's in europe due to it's history and from it's location.yes it is true,that people in the interior/country are less open-minded but are also more kind.just look in to your own big like a natural habitant...but like a little fly...the stress/rush/work/economy there are so many common factors to all big cities that leave people to have some less-than-usual behavior when challenged with a different situation. portuguese are knowed all over the world by it's efford to try to speak the natural language when visiting a foreign country...and i'm just an example...but those who crossed anytime a portuguese in your own country i almost bet that he tried to speak your worse as it could be. now...have you ever tried to speak portuguese? i assume not. has for the same in every country...i saw brazilians speaking about portuguese are racists...well...i tell you one the past few years there has been a big income of brazilians to portugal,most part of them are from minas,not from rio...brasilia...florianopolis...nop...minas gerais. and since this emigration begun without any control...the criminallity in portugal,specially the brutal,as increased 8x. the carjacking was something we never heard about...and sudenly...may there be carjacking...and women traffic...and all those problems we didn't had.even i already have been victim of carjacking. so...imagine your home...always shining...always go to your backyard and see an explosion of a nuclear bomb from a marcian civilization...what would you say?ohh no...a bomb as ruined my potatos?you would have some issues with marcians. black people?racism?my best friend is from of the biggest ghettos in portugal,i'm tipicall portuguese...never experience a problem with so called in other country's...afro's...what a f***...aren't we all made of flesh and blood and bones?what about hitler?what about the slavery of britain and france?what about usa that only abolished slavery in the xx century?and droped a nuke bomb in hiroshima?...get a life...spend your time trying to know some culture...try to learn something...not just saying...f***ing hispanics...hispanics are used in america...and that kind of truly you want to know a country with it's pros and cons...with real people...with real thougth even different than yours...and enjoy what this country has to give...come to portugal and you'll be surprised.

    if you want people to venerate you...and everything is perfect...and no misery...and all good thing...go to cancun/bora bora/polinisia resorts where you see a happy face...with a poor heart and life...and even if you try to know i tryied in cuba...they are the most generouse people i ever a citizen of the world...not a nationalist bastard.

    refs: 13 Feb 2009, 06:56 - Report
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Portuguese people are absolutely nice

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