Messing up everything… we are an passionate people, warm blood kind!

  • First, yes I'm Portuguese, I have friends in many places and origins, and I wouldn't be a very vertical person if I wouldn't be able to look to my people with great respect, humbleness, and sometimes with a hard and, concerning virtues and flaws (and they are many)! Although people tend to see us as a very sad people, gentle at the same time, which is true, we can of course also get hungry and rude if the motif exists. About Brazilian and other people that the people in this website identify as racist, rude, racist, etc., that mostly belong to countries who where colonies from the 'old empire', the big difference between the majority of them and us is the approach toward others… they feel we are in debt of something to them exactly because of that… because they felt owned by this country… but that fortunately it's history for them and for us, I must ad and hope!… if we are so racist... why we fought for the Timor people just recently.. because we are racist?!
    So just to be brief, more than 500 years of 'traveling' (peacefully or not, correctly or not so) along the time, works with the character of a people… In order to grow and evolve we need to became more mature and accept! But most of our nature and behavior comes from reasons you can find in Portuguese History… due to the fact that touches with the Spanish and European, the English, the Africans, the Orientals, the Americans and even the Australians… just because we are the oldest nation in Europe… things like that work on you no mater what! I hope I was true to my people and fair with the others!

    Daniela 07 Dec 2008, 06:53 - Report
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Portuguese people are absolutely nice

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