What a coincidence.. (response)

  • I understand what you're talking about. I used to think the same way.

    But have you ever stopped and thought about the reasons behind such behavior? I remember the services in Portugal being much better and people more honest. What's happening is not people's fault. People are desperate in Portugal, they're cornered. And just like any other animal, when you get cornered you get aggressive and defensive. Times are really difficult in Portugal, people are struggling a lot to make a living.

    That's why the services are not with a smile anymore and are sloppy. Business people are desperately trying to get ahead even if they have to step on other people to succeed.

    Remeber that a lot of Portuguese people are a bit behind (not their fault but the oppressive regime 1926-1974) but there are a lot well ahead. That's why you have amazing writers, musicians, the successful Belmiro de Azevedo (businessman), some great inventions and also great specialized doctors. Maybe you can't find these type of people in your little corner of Portugal but there are a lot of them out there.

    Porto and Lisbon it's not a serious dispute, it's more a pretend little war going on for centuries, you're not Portuguese you don't understand so don't talk about what you can't understand.

    You're having a bad experience but hey, it's nearly a year like you said. I've been living in Portugal for 45 years, I travelled up and down the country and met probably 10000 more people than you and still I don't think I have the right to crush a whole country just because I've had some bad experiences. Maybe if you stay 10 more years or so you'll start to understand what I'm talking about.

    Word of advice. If you hate it so much leave.

    Why live in a place you hate so much?

    James Stewart 02 Feb 2009, 02:44 - Report
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Portuguese people are absolutely nice

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