alex nazi german boy

  • and brazil fought against germany in second world war.germany attacked ships in brazilian coast with his submarines,and it brought brazil to war.we sent 25.000 soldiers and a air squadron to fight against the nazis in north italia.brazilian soldiers never had see snow in their lifes,and almost died of cold,but they overcome these difficulties and were much praised for all allied for kill more german nazi monsters than all others allied in 1936 with karl lewis wining and shaming hitler for win his "arians"atletes,brazilian mixed race soldiers give a hard time in italy to nazi germans,although hitler did not belive it was possible.
    germans always underestimate their enemies,and are defeated by them because germans cannot see that others peoples have power and courage to fight till death(hitler called russian as sub-humans,and the russians showed that they are not sub-humans at all.)you germans are a bunch of idiots.

    Proud Brazilian 20 Мар 2009, 10:23 - Report
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why do germans hates Brazil so much?

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