• yes,i already have been outside of brazil.i know argentina,and there is more favelas in argentina than in brasil.see that brazil has six times more population than argentina,but argentina has more people living in deep poverty than is very hard to say,but nowadays,argentina is nothing more than a brazil' colony.sad but mercosul,argentina a economy based in the agriculture,and brazil a economy based in the industry,although we have a great agriculture too.
    if argentinians are polite with you,german,it is because argentinins love nazi second world war,when brazil sent troops to fight against the nazis in italy,argentina received and shelterded many nazi criminals with great joy. nowadey,while brazil for prohibits nazi propaganda and nazi groups,argentina let nazis preach their hate speech frely.brazilian people have a nstinctive hate against nazis.
    and povety in brazilian northeast is small more and more.the northeast was already a region full of poverty,but it already changed.south and southest brazil are developed like anyone country of europe.

    Proud Brazilian 19 Мар 2009, 05:58 - Report
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why do germans hates Brazil so much?

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