You are all mising the point...

  • This has so very little to do with Germans. It is about people in general.

    Can any of us say that our country or our race is and always has been blameless?

    I am an American. Throughout the years my country is responsible for many other mistakes and tragedies. Do the past faults of others make me a monster? No. Of course not!

    Horrific events such as the deaths of millions of Jews in WW2 happened not because Germany or Russia are inherently bad. They happened because men of all races and creeds are capable of evil.

    Although nothing can make up for the tragedies that occurred, the current generation and all that follow should not be made to pay forever for the mistakes of earlier generations.

    I've fought in two wars. I've lost a number of very good friends to war. If war teaches us anything, it is to find ways to live together in appreciation and harmony.

    The hate and prejustice in LatinoMan is the same that resided in Hitler, Stalin, and so many others.

    How many wars is it going to take - how many people must die - before your anger against another is satisfied?

    Dale 04 Май 2009, 11:48 - Report
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What do Germans think about teh second world war

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