What do Germans think about teh second world war

  • I'm wondering what do Germans thing about Hitler's politics during the second WW. Do you agree with it or you feel rather embarassed when people talk about it. I'm a Jew and I'm really proud of it, but I can even imagine this whole horribe situation of Jews during the war.

    03 Май 2009, 05:58 Halina Baumann
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  • hallo Halina

    Another generation of people can't be responsible for politics, activity etc of people from WW2. What can we do nowadays? Nothing.We can't turn back time. I'm a German but I live in different time and I have completely different attidude to Jews and other people.

    bebe 03 Май 2009, 06:06 - Report

    germans are snow monkeys and are still disguised nazis.but germans snow monkeys have slave mentality,and only do something if lead by a f. queer illeterate master like hitler.without a hitler to lead them,snow monkeys(aka germans) are inofensive.
    germans have no deep feelings,and they dont care about jews,blacks,gipses and russians killed in snow-monkey-land(germany) a few year ago

    LATINO MAN 03 Май 2009, 06:07 - Report
  • ...

    people are usually prejudiced against Germans because of WW2. as bebe said we live in another times and we are different people

    Khira 03 Май 2009, 06:09 - Report
  • BEBE

    you are a liar.you say "i am not racist" but you like all germans snow monkeys hate jews,latinos and blacks! you germans was,are and forever will be a bunch of huns,a country of barbarians and savage murderes! go to hell ,snow monkeys!

    LATINO MAN 03 Май 2009, 06:11 - Report
  • jews

    look at jews' politic nowadays. they live in usa and they are the richest person in the world. why they can't help poor coutry? because they only thing about themself.before WW2 they were the worst cheat's!!!!!

    berlinerin- dein engel- :-) 03 Май 2009, 06:19 - Report
  • link


    Halina Baumann 03 Май 2009, 06:32 - Report


    x-man 03 Май 2009, 06:41 - Report
  • german

    german are rich ecause they stole everything from jews & polannd in WW2 ,now they think about poor people as a garbage,

    sunny side 03 Май 2009, 07:01 - Report
  • link

    photos from halina's link arehorribe!!!!!!!!!!!
    germas will always be a murderes

    sunny side 03 Май 2009, 07:11 - Report

    mantin luther was a anti-semite and preached jew genocide in XVI century.
    you see that german racism and murder mentality is not only second world war...

    LATINO MAN 03 Май 2009, 07:17 - Report
  • ****

    all nazi escaped to Brazil after thhe 2 WW

    no name 03 Май 2009, 07:22 - Report
  • oh God

    Latino man i'm agree with you.germans are monsters!!

    sunny side 03 Май 2009, 07:24 - Report
  • latino man

    i've read that nazis gave Watican all stolen precious polish painting,and Watican gave Nazis brazilian passports.it's so unfair that they escaped and didn't take the conseqenses.

    no name 03 Май 2009, 10:51 - Report
  • ...

    so what in your opinion we should do? should we kill ourself? I'm 25 and I have nothing in common in WW2. Don't you understand that nowadays in Germany live completly different people then during the war?
    If Germany is so bad why thousands of people want to work and live here? In our country live a lot of Turks, Polish etc and we have nothing against.
    Everywhere you go you meet good and bad people, and it's quite normal.
    Our relations with Poland aren't as bad as you think.

    Khira 03 Май 2009, 11:00 - Report
  • my opinion

    i'm agree with Khira. young people aren't guilty, they don't do anything bad. i don't kill nobody.

    bebe 03 Май 2009, 11:04 - Report
  • khira and bebe

    you can do nothing because it's too late, but imagine the rest of life those milions jews, polish,romanas who was murdered by germans. thei're life was like the worst horror!!!!!

    no name 03 Май 2009, 11:09 - Report
  • ???

    Khira,don't be silly germans hate polish!!! but i'm wondering why? you killed milions of polish, destroyed all poland, stole all presious things and you hate them? i don't get it.

    PS. germans didn't forget even about jew's gold teeth and stole them too.

    no name 03 Май 2009, 11:20 - Report
  • no name

    As I said many times I'm not against Polish. I'm not responsile for other Germans opinion, but think most of them are agree with me.

    Khira 03 Май 2009, 11:25 - Report
  • no name

    most polish live in germany, i meet them everyday and i don't hate them.

    bebe 03 Май 2009, 11:28 - Report
  • ?????????????????????????????????????????????

    oh really?i'm not sure that you don't hate polish. i find that germans have negative attitude toward all people from different countries.

    sunny side 03 Май 2009, 11:32 - Report
  • and

    khira, you pretend to be so tolerant, but on another topic you wrote a lot against latinos

    sunny side 03 Май 2009, 11:36 - Report
  • sunny side

    I did it because latinos was very offensive and wrote about me quite bad.

    Khira 03 Май 2009, 11:39 - Report


    MAN 04 Май 2009, 12:57 - Report


  • man und latino man

    Why do I have to leave my country and marry a jew or black? It doesn't shows that I am a good person. The most important thing which shows that I'm not a nazi, racist etc it that I don't do anything against them. Belive me, there are thousands people who live in Germany, I meet then every day and I've never let them down or something like that. If they want to work and study here that's ok.

    Khira 04 Май 2009, 03:16 - Report

    why dont you want marry a black or a jew? because your fuher wrote in main kampf that it is wrong?
    you germans are really very very funny!

    MAN 04 Май 2009, 03:22 - Report
  • hey

    Hi, I'm from Belarus and would like to express my point of view. My brother went to Germany last year. He speaks German quite well. There are a lot of bald man with black jackets(skinheadsor something like that)in Berlin, which are very agressive. They usually keep in group and they are very dangerous. They beat my brother without any couse and he was nearly died. I will never go to Germany.

    Lena 04 Май 2009, 04:44 - Report
  • You are all mising the point...

    This has so very little to do with Germans. It is about people in general.

    Can any of us say that our country or our race is and always has been blameless?

    I am an American. Throughout the years my country is responsible for many other mistakes and tragedies. Do the past faults of others make me a monster? No. Of course not!

    Horrific events such as the deaths of millions of Jews in WW2 happened not because Germany or Russia are inherently bad. They happened because men of all races and creeds are capable of evil.

    Although nothing can make up for the tragedies that occurred, the current generation and all that follow should not be made to pay forever for the mistakes of earlier generations.

    I've fought in two wars. I've lost a number of very good friends to war. If war teaches us anything, it is to find ways to live together in appreciation and harmony.

    The hate and prejustice in LatinoMan is the same that resided in Hitler, Stalin, and so many others.

    How many wars is it going to take - how many people must die - before your anger against another is satisfied?

    Dale 04 Май 2009, 11:48 - Report
  • Dale

    I'm agree with you in 100%

    Khira 05 Май 2009, 04:27 - Report
  • what they think about world war two?

    they think that they are not guilty for world war two.hitler did the war alone.germans only watched hitler fighting alone,thus germans dont fell guilty for nothing

    german hater 13 Май 2009, 12:30 - Report

    I honestly like germans,and they are so nice and loyal people in the world and whatever hitler did we cant blame on all germans...and by the way now jews are killing Muslims so is it good?and they started ww3 in the world, is it right?everyone have to see first in his house then talk about others..thanks

    kk - Pakistan 13 Май 2009, 04:23 - Report
  • kk

    Right, I think we can all agree that "by the way now jews are killing Muslims so is it good?" is not a fair question. It's antisemitic, biased, and champions Hitler's genocide. Did you know that if Hitler had his way, there would not be a non-white person alive today? That includes Arabic people, KK Pakistan. BTW, Israel isn't exactly on Pakistan's diplomatic good-side so it isn't hard to see where all of that indignation is coming from... But what we all need to remember here is that the entire world is responsible for the holocaust. Russia, the US, and all of Western Europe knew of it's existence two years before the war was over. And they did nothing to stop it, just like the German people.

    UCSC student 18 Май 2009, 03:18 - Report
  • UCSC student

    I am agreed with you but are we still weak to stop new world hitler like Bush today? Can anyone tell me what was the diffrence between hitler and Bush and Shimon Peres?

    KK 26 Май 2009, 02:00 - Report
  • Some guys here..

    God, really when I read some comments here from people, who blame even us Germans of today that we where nazis, hate poles, jews , are snow monkeys need to leave our country to show that we are no more nazis, I really come to think, that these people who blame us of the past, are behaving exactly like the Nazis in the Past. To Latino Man, sunnyside you are exactly behaving like Nazis with all your Insults to germans that have nothing to do with the crimes of the past.

    We Germans - today - hate the Nazis that brought destruction to Europe, 99% of all Germans hate Hitler and his Nazi Thugs. Of course there are like in many other Country still people who like Nazis, but they are in no way even able to change something here in germany.
    We dont hate Poles or Jews, we dont have a problem with them, infact its the poles that are very anti-german. And blame even us Germans today for something we cannot change anymore. It is funny how many Poles hate germany, but still coming here to us to work and get a better live. I know here in Germany many poles, can even call them as my friends. I dont really now what the polish media is telling you guys in Poland about us. But we DO NOT hate Poles or any other ethnic group. We do not want any territorys back - ever heard of the Oder-Neiße Treaty? Proposed by Germans? Germany is Today one of the few country that accept every one no matter which sexuality like or race it is, with full citizenship and rights. Homosexuals, lesbian, black, jews, latinos etc are all welcome here. We know about our crimes, we cannot change it, but we can and show the world, that something like that will never happen again in Germany. I even have to say that we germans are probably the only country in the World, that really tries to learn from its failures to build a better future. I dont know any other country in the World, that seriously thinks about their own crimes in the past centurys. Japanese and their Crimes? It is only half hearted teached in shool, Russians and their mass rapes on german women? Not really teached, Spanish genocide on Incas, Mayas? seemed they never have heard of. USA and their genocide on the Native Americans? Also only half hearted teached. I do not want to blame the countrys or anyone else for that, but what I want to make clear is that many People who blame people that does not have to do anything with the crimes of the past, should first take a look on their country crimes.

    Max 26 Май 2009, 04:52 - Report
  • TO KK

    Well KK... I would alwyas be very caution, to set Bush or Shimpon Peres on a step with Hitler.
    There is a big difference between them.
    If Shimon Peres or Bush were like Hitler...
    than the Palestine would already be all Dead, than the Iraqis would be probably all nuked.
    You cannot compare these two with Hitler, because the big difference there is, that they have at least something that is called conscience. Hitler did not. You can be happy, that Bush - yes a madman, but still not so mad and terrible like Hitler!

    Max 26 Май 2009, 05:02 - Report
  • to Max

    how can you say that bush and shimon are diffrent then Hitler...they are same like hitler..if hitler kill people then he is terrible and mad man but bush and shimon killing the annocent people so they are less mad and terrible then hitler...if anyone kill one person so its mean he kill whole humanity bro..and actualy you people just follow the media and whatever its say ,you just believe on it, but fect is that Bush used neacular weapons in iraq and afghanistan..and next target is pakistan and iran..so is it not same like hitler war...just want to kill Muslims...

    kk 27 Май 2009, 01:17 - Report
  • I have a kwestion?

    who is this hitler? and what is a muslim

    pres. bush 27 Май 2009, 10:23 - Report
  • pres.bush

    i think you need to stop drinking otherwise you will be totaly lost..

    kk 28 Май 2009, 02:09 - Report
  • everybodys at at

    Let's be honest. Problem is everybody hates everbody else. We're just looking for some excuse to tear each other to bits. E.G.
    Brits hate - Jews - Germans - Muslims- Japs etc
    French - hate - Germans
    Poles hate Germans
    (actually everybody hates the Germans)
    Germans hate Russians
    Russians hate Chechnians
    Muslims hate Americans
    Palestinians hate Israelis
    Black people hate white people
    white people hate black people
    Most people hate gypsies and homosexual
    lots of people hate their wives and their wives relatives
    North Koreans hate Japanese
    Chinese hate Japanese
    Doctors hate their patients (feels like)
    politicians, police, estate agents, bankers, millionaires, tv celebrities, royal family etc -etc etc.

    Steve 07 Июн 2009, 01:50 - Report
  • Steve

    Thats why God said to people that you must love all humain beings including believers and disbelievers..but we dont follow the religion and we just looking for help from GOD...thats not fair coz God said "you have to have one little link with me so I never let you down"thank you...I love all humain beings Including germans and entire world...

    KK 12 Июн 2009, 01:58 - Report
  • TO ALL WHO HATES Germany

    I thing that almost all Nazis were good men. If they killed some people it was inevitable to save all Europe from Jews and bolshevists. I am Russian and have to say that in my country almost everyone likes Germans and our countryes are strategic partners and close friends. And if Hitler was not a fool we both with Germany could have diveded all Europe. So you who hates Germans - GO TO HELL! They are our friends and we'll get you!

    Alexander 12 Июн 2009, 07:25 - Report
  • to all

    Hitler is for hate but not all germans ...i believe that we have bad people in every country in all over the world ...
    we just need to be good indivusaly first guys..

    KK 13 Июн 2009, 01:12 - Report
  • Any Germans read this board?

    I'm curious for any Germans to answer this regarding racism there..

    Do many Germans marry outside their race or religion? Black, Pole, Jew, etc.??? It's quite common these days in big cities in U.S. and noone thinks anything about it. However it is not as common in smaller towns in middle part of the country where there is still a mindset against this. I'm sure in some small towns a black guy risks getting beat up if walking around with a white girl.

    So it's hard to generalize racism in US..maybe same in Germany..I'm curious.

    ..and as for Bush being like Hitler.. your as dumb as Bush is if you really think this. Bush's problem was being too stupid to understand the impact of his/Cheney's policies on other countries or his own. He was focused on defense, though I agree went about it in some clueless ways. Hitler wanted to empire expand & kill, pure and simple.....and he brainwashed quite a few Hitler youth in the process which are still alive and grandparents of many germans today.

    Kate_Chicago 15 Июн 2009, 02:35 - Report
  • Latino man

    You are idiot. I´m spanisch and the only monkey here are you. And you are not latino you are southamerican.
    The german people are nice, good persons and this things happens 60 years ago. Nobody can change the history and the germans now aren´t equal.
    Germany is a good country and I have a jew friend here in germany and he have not problems.

    IB 15 Июн 2009, 01:24 - Report
  • Thnx IB and Kate

    ahhh...there r not only sick people who comment. thnx IB and Kate. You r teh reason why I believe in world. Thnx!

    Bjôrn 15 Июн 2009, 01:26 - Report
  • I am totally agree with IB

    The germans are one of the best people in the world.I am spanish but I have German family here in Frankfurt.

    All the countries has passed for dark periods in their history not only germans.

    The North Americans dropped two nuclear bombs over Japan to end the WW2 that have been killed people for fifty years,apart from Vietnam and Irak, and ¿what about the jews(Israel) with the people of Palestine,¿are they saints?.

    The rest of the countries forgot that Hitler rose the power in Germany in part because the economy in this country was in a very difficult situation for the terrible conditions of the allies "Deal of Versalles"(1919).

    All the countries have some responsability in this facts and only people so stupid like this latino man(south american not european latino)can say those things to actual germans.

    Regards from spain to german people.

    Juan Luis 15 Июн 2009, 02:37 - Report
  • @ Juan luis

    "The rest of the countries forgot that Hitler rose the power in Germany in part because the economy in this country was in a very difficult situation for the terrible conditions of the allies "Deal of Versalles"(1919)."

    wow....and this by a spanish guy. interesting that u as a spanish guy consider this fact. Without ignoring the obligation of Germany i´ve also the opinion that the Second WW is a conclusion of the first WW.

    "what about the jews(Israel) with the people of Palestine,¿are they saints?"

    say this in Germany and u have a big problem. in germany there is the philosophy u r not allowed to critcise the ireali activities considering palestina.

    flyindutch 15 Июн 2009, 03:24 - Report
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