just an opinion

  • My goodness. We all have our own experiences, that is all this forum is. I wouldnn't deny your views but I shouldn't need to defend my opinion as more than undifferentiated bashing or personal frustration. I've never lived in Italy ... but Italy is not the final comparison to Switz and neither is my home country. Anyway I never thought one's background - be it from a neighbouring European country or North America - could ever speak for everyone.

    And there are far more places, smaller villages, in Switzerland than just our "big city" Zürich that have a lower proportion of foreigners. Hard to assume life in Zürich reflects it all. I've had consultant work and time in 3 cities of Switzerland but all were "big". I can also compare Switzerland to 3 other countries I've expat'ed.

    JUST my opinion - it IS rather boring here (yes even in Zürich), foreigners find themselves huddling closely to other foreigners, and it's unusually hard to integrate or make local friends. I tried to make local friends but found it very challenging, there seems to be more roadblocks I did not have in other countries I have worked and lived. I have never lived in Japan but I wonder if some of the social roadblocks and the in-society things are similar to Switzerland's.

    If you have access the book Living and Working in Switzerland, there is section titled "the Swiss" tucked in the back, or the Xenophobe's Guide, they are helpful! And the Ticking Along with the Swiss series are full of happy and unhappy stories, just like this forum.

    Again, good luck!

    just an expat 18 fév 2008, 10:30 - Signaler un abus
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Switzerland is boring!!!!

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