a county and its people - nice and boring

  • I am Swiss - almost. Half Asian - but born here. All in all I like the county: it's safe, clean, quality standards are high. But I agree. It's quite boring.

    Although it shoulden't because Swiss people itself are very diverse! A mixture of French, Italian, Swiss-Swiss and German mentalities. But still, most of them like it orderly and safe.

    I like messiness and taking risks but most Swiss people seem to be afraid of thise things. Are they afraid of loosing their "paradise" if change happens? There is no paradise.

    Swiss people are not very optimist (they hardly smile) forgetting that change can also be something good. Yes, Swiss people are rather conservative. Life here is (maybe too) confortable. With crisis comes change. Will the bubble eventually burst?

    almost Swiss 11 avr 2008, 11:30 - Signaler un abus
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Switzerland is boring!!!!

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