I like Switzerland

  • I am Italian and I lived in 3 different countries (a part from Italy). I have been in Zurich only for a short amount of time now but, so far, I find it great here, much better than the other 2 countries where I lived previously! I don't understand how can someone find it boring here, come on!!Is is full of things to do!! Walking, cicling, skiing, and lots of other outdoor activities...In addition, Switzerland is in the centre of Europe and thus close to many other countries, so if one wants, there are many opportunities to travel as well. Even travelling in Switzerlans itself - if one thinks at the different beautiful train rides etc...

    I also find the Swiss people great, friendly and professional. Everything in this country works very well, and things are in plece to allow people to live well and in piece with each other. So far, all the Swiss people I met have been very helpful, always happy and smiling, not at all like in other countries where customer service is completely non-existan,you pay for terryble service, poor quality and a grumpy attitudes. And with regards to people being closed I don't know, to me it does not seem like it, I see lots of people hanging outside in groups, in bars, restourants etc...they seem a pretty sociable bunch to me, at least, it does not seem that, in order to be open and enjoy themselves they need to get waisted like it happens in other countries! In my opinion, Switzeland is a great place!

    ... 15 mars 2009, 07:02 - Signaler un abus
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Switzerland is boring!!!!

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