To cause me stress (above article)
I would not like to be young and white these days in any country which counts as either civilised , or borderline , recently I met a white Rhodesian in a post office , and even he was surprised at how so far England had gone down the pan , as far as white supremacy goes I'm afraid we no matter where we live in the world , these problems between White and black can only escalate.A story that you will find intresting is that one day at work recently a black member of staff informed me , that he was going to vote National Front in the next UK election , I asked him why? , he said that the NF (the right wing nationalists) were going to pay him £3000.00 or R30000 to return to Gahna when they get into power , my response to this was " If the NAZI party get into govt, the only place you'll be going is 6 feet under ".He was incredulous at the suggestion and was most surprised . In view of your current situation , you could always take up mugging rich blacks.
British bulldog 07 Jul 2008, 01:42 - Report
Racism against white people in South Africa
- Racism against white students at South African universities
- Our own fault!!!
- No racism against white in South Africa
- Racism
- South Africa
- Racism
- Predjudice everywhere, keep safe instead
- Racism against white people in South Africa
- racism
- Not that BAD
- Blacks are far greater racists than whites ever were
- south africa
- thats why
- Racism against me and my friends is affirmed
- a place in the sun
- South Africa - Reverse Racism
- same people
- Is there hope for South Africa?
- Lets work together
- ME =]
- Same old story
- No Racist, Keep the Whites in SA
- Get over it!!
- come on
- Be open minded
- Being In Australia
- Leaving SA, Be Honest on Why
- Ha Ha
- Being honest on why I left...reply to Kate
- Outside perspective
- Change of Heart
- black vs white
- Quite Sad Really
- Amazing
- Ashamed of the Responses of my White countrymen
- To Viking
- Iceland nr 1 country to live in
- You are a fool Blood Diamond!
- stupid white people
- racism
- judging because of any skin color is wrong.
- Third world country
- Uneasy White south African
- In response to why English peaple are leaving UK
- To cause me stress (above article)