Stupid white race

  • I see on the news recently , that if a negro baby is born white ( albino ) then they stand a chance of being killed for some sort of human sacrifice , come on this is the 21st century ,SWR is convinced his or herself that white peaple are a stupid albino race , in a quote from "Star Wars" , who's more the fool ? the fool or the fool that follows him? , do you intend to kill all whites in some sacrificial rite? are you civilised? , just because you have access to a keyboard does this make you educated? , these are questions I'd like you to answer , and in response to Antony O , yes we have our problems and Blighty is not like South Africa yet , but you must agree that a lot of gang culture in London is black orientated , and yes I will agree with you it is not advisable to frequent Peckham or Catford after dark , that is because these areas contain a high % of darker skinned individuals , not necessarilly Africans , and well done with the cigar , peaple like you are welcome , because yes you bring skills to the country and work for a living , I do not feel threatend by you or any other foriegners that wish to seek a better life. As I said befor I am university educated , I have a solid career so I do not feel pressurised , for the job market yes its grim , but you've got to look at the whole picture , most native English I come across do not want any any more immigration , what ever the skill levels.

    British Bulldog 30 Aug 2008, 09:33 - Report
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Racism against white people in South Africa

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