Racism against white people in South Africa
I am going to South Africa in a couple of months and after what I heard from friends, I'm starting to get really scared. According to what they tell me, there is a movement of racism towards white people going on, and some of my friends are even scared of going into black neighborhoods (besides the usual fear of crime of course). Does anybody have any experience with this?
17 May 2007, 06:42 Nathalie
From Afar
In all my studies I have found that Blacks left to govern their own has been a dismal failure that only escalates to crime and corruption and then eventually to a failed state. These "Failed states" go on to be a burden to themselves, their own people and culture and the rest of the world in some form or another. In fact these "states" deteriorate to such extreme barbarism...its almost a 200 year decline in the culture. The last part of my study is focused on the opinions of citizens of some of these failed regimes in context to the United States. Many citizens here, white and black, are drawing lines of racism in the sand and what may have been subtle only a few years ago is more open today. We are way past the "love thy neighbor rhetoric" and many whites use the "failed states" as a barometer of what is to come in the United States. What was once a noble effort of "All Men are created Equal" has effectively gone by the wayside due to the dependence of the Black communities (US) on white subsidy. Can any of you elaborate?
Observer 11 Apr 2009, 12:48 - Report -
From Afar
PS...as the rest of the world watches South Africa and (surrounding nations) fall into complete anarchy, I am curious? Arent you native SA past the point of trying to convince each other (Black and White) that whatever your doing as a Nation is failing?
Observer 11 Apr 2009, 01:08 - Report -
to reefdiver
it is totally understandable you moving to America, and marrying an American, but not teaching your children about S.Africa, and how great it is(obviously there are some bad sides).
that would be on you, because then again, they would face ethical demeanour in America, because thats what the youths in America face, simply because they do not know their own roots, and ethical values.naughtiiy 13 Apr 2009, 05:02 - Report -
Doesn't this thread speak for itself?
Too be honest, after reading this, how can u possibly say South Africa, is a place you'd like to settle in? doesnt the content of the thread just prove otherwise?
Mary 13 Apr 2009, 05:16 - Report -
Gotta get this off my chest
I have a few points to pose to the readers of this forum. I am an expat South African, and so have at least some idea of what is going on there as opposed to some of you who are obviously woefully ignorant about the country that you so passionately rant about.
To the poster on the top of this page: "whites have no idea"... uuurrrm who do you think invented that computer you are working on??? Certainly wasn't an African. So I guess we can presume that you are in fact the one who has no idea.
To the "white trash" poster further up the page; you are obviously not up to the task of informing yourself, so let me help you out a bit, “whites have no idea” you can listen in to if you like. Of the 6 billion people in the world, over 3 quarters are non-white. Ignorant, lower class, uneducated, whatever you want to call it, these people have been taken advantage of in every country in every part of the world; black, white, orange or pink. Colour makes very little difference. We as a world all owe a debt of gratitude to the working class Chinese for working 12hour shifts, mass producing almost everything we lay our hands on, for a fraction of what you probably earn. So please do not presume to lecture this forum on the indecencies of the "white trash" threat you so indignantly insult when there are non-white nations on this earth far richer than ours, whose working class suffer intolerable conditions for very little pay, as you sit on your comfy chair and sip your chenin blanc.
To Mary above: you need to realise that the people who bother to write in forums about racism in the first place obviously have some sort of history with the problem. This alone would make almost every viewpoint herein biased towards the negative. I lived in SA for 23 years and never once had crime done to me; other than paying taxes to a government which gave me little or nothing in return.
That being said I am not here to defend the white race; however pathetically castrated of its own pride it may be; the English, American, Dutch and Germans are almost certainly to blame for the state of Africa. They did not think to address the tribal issue in any of the countries they raped and then left, leaving a mass of angry, not to mention largely ignorant Africans to fend for themselves on a global economic playing field, which is at the best of times unfriendly. Faced with such a monumental task, it is not surprising that the leaders of said nations realised that such a thing could not be seen through in one lifetime and so decided to look out for themselves instead. Idi Amin, General Sani Abacha, and more famously Robert Mugabe are prime examples. What needs to be remembered though is that white people living is SA have only their colour to share with their ancestors, I think it’s a little unfair to blame young white South Africans (who are a vast majority in that demographic) for their forefathers mistakes.
I am not here to defend the black race either. In South Africa the opportunities are limitless for one blessed with tenacity, a will to learn, fastidiousness, and above all pride in their country and the realisation that neither white nor black created South Africa. The mountains have been there for longer than any of you could imagine, and will be there long after your whining and complaining about Apartheid, injustices and compensation has been silenced by the nothingness of eternity. To be honest, no one cares, no one ever will. Not because you are black or because every white child was born with an evil AVB plan up their sleeve, but because it is an old story heard in every generation in every country, regardless of race. A big yawn and rolling of the eyes everytime people hear it for the 60 millionth time. The only one who can fix your problems is you; regardless of race. One needs to study, by candle light if one has to, work hard, take advantage of every situation, and make SA better for your children. It probably won’t be better for you; that’s just the truth, but will you sit back and throw up your hands like the Amins of this world? I hope not, I love SA and would love to earn there, live there and make it better. I have my family to think of, and so my patriotism has had to take a back seat whilst facing the looming wave of financial ruin.
I hope that I have been equally insensitive to all race groups above.
And as for all of you foreigners who presume to tell us South Africans, black, coloured and white how to run our country. I have but one thing to say to you. Jou poes!
And to my fellow South Africans: Let’s just get over it, please. We are all sick and tired of all this fighting. I just want to love my country. Why can’t we all just do that instead of hating each other for injustices most of us never suffered or ever even did?And onto yours 13 Apr 2009, 11:51 - Report -
Ex south african local is not lekker)
I have been living in New Zealand for the past year and a half, and you wont believe how good it feels. I dont live in fear and I can feel freedom for the first time without the bondages of fear.The first month after arriving, I was traumatised and cried often just reflecting upon all the fear I was exposed to.
I never want to return and now my biggest fear is of having to go back to SA. I would rather be poor here than be wealthy in SA. I am not proudly South African, but I do miss my close black friends and still phone them once in a while.Why shoukd I be stupid and return putting my life and my families life in Danger.I have a daughter, and my biggest fear is that she gets raped by some black scum criminalSue Kruger 13 Apr 2009, 12:15 - Report -
race problems in South Africa
The truth of the matter is that one cannot take iron age people (which is surely what the indigenous peoples of South Africa were in 1652 when the whites arrived in South Africa ) and jettison them within three hundred-and -fifty-odd years into the culture of a relatively advanced civilization with any measure of success.They were a primitive, not to say barbarian people with a simple culture, having to adapt overnight to the culture of the settlers who had some thousands of years of relatively advanced civilization behind them - e.g. the Greek civilization, Rennaisance, etc. If the indigenous peoples of Africa (not referring to the Egyptians here) had been given enough time to develop on their own without caucasian interference (leaving genetics out of the picture) they would surely have caught up on the 20 points of difference in I.Q, would have invented the wheel, founded universities (not referring here to the Arab- founded university in Africa) discovered astronomy and penicillin, written symphonies and soon thereafter put somebody on the moon.
It is true that it seems as if many blacks would like to be completely rid of their white compatriots - to the extent of ensuring the demise of as many white farmers and their wives as they possibly can - but it is really quite unnecessary - Africa will soon again belong exclusively to the African, due to the emigration of whites and the negative population growth of the already small white population.It is as it should be.
The historian of the future will say that the faint little light of European civilization, imperfect as it had been, at the soutern tip of Africa,was completely extinguished after approximately 400 years. But who knows,it may replaced with something much more advanced and admirable?Adam Wright 13 Apr 2009, 05:05 - Report -
Malaysia is like South Africa too
In the name of affirmative action, the Malays, a traditionally backward people, are being handed promotions and the reins of the country while the other pillars of community - the Chinese and Indina who built up the economy, are steadily disenfranchised. The resulting episode of growing mediocrity is evident in the country falling behind in the global economy race. A country that could have been great fell victim to racism and glorified the Malay race, which is not known for hardwork or intelligence or thrift. Another country bites the dust.
2nd class Citizen of Malaysia 18 Apr 2009, 05:29 - Report -
In response to the post dated 11 July 2008
In response to the post dated 11 July 2008, 11:19:22 am, please note the following inventions by black people at this web addresss http://inventors.about.com/od/blackinventors/a/black_inventors.htm
Oh, and a word of advice..."it is better to kep your mouth shut and let people think you are stupid than to open it and remove all doubt"Lauging at fools 23 Apr 2009, 03:15 - Report -
Become a fredom fighter
Maybe a president
ANGRY 23 Apr 2009, 05:12 - Report -
South Africa`s Zimbabwe
SA is going exactly the same way as Zimbabwe,and if anyone believes different they should consult a shrink.Furthermore, in 1995 Mbeki PUBLICLY stated that he will make sure the WHITE PEOPLE WILL DROP LIKE FLIES! It looks like not many people are too concerned about that statement, or can even remember that statement. That statement was certainly the catalyst for myself, AND MY FAMILY, AND MY CHILDREN WHOM I LOVE AND CARE about, to leave South Africa pronto.
That anyone can believe that South Africa will be a continious eutopia for white people, is beyond me.The history of Africa as a continent has proved time and time again, that any country or anything for that matter,in black hands and power will perish.
AS JY JOU KINDERS LIEFHET SAL JY NOU DADELIK VLUG!Just my 2 Cent 25 Apr 2009, 05:41 - Report -
South Africa is a wonderful country - It needs healing.
50 years of opression did not do any good for the country or the people. Today if you love diversity and Africans then South Africa is the best place in Africa. If you do not like Africans then you should not be in Africa or come here. I am white, I love this country, but unfortunatelly the whites were privelaged in the past and are unwilling to accept, share and move on. We are all lucky we did not end in civil war in the 1990s, the white did bad things to South Africa and to pay with crime as a result is a small price to pay. Get out there and help a poor black or white, by helping you curb crime, by complaining you fuel poverty and crime. All white benefited from the past and even present. Lets move forward.
Quintin Booysen 26 Apr 2009, 07:18 - Report -
South Africa is a wonderful country - It needs healing.
Agreed, there are too many people complaining and not enough doing. We need solidarity across races in South Africa.
Viva South AfricaAnother White in love with South Africa 26 Apr 2009, 07:23 - Report -
South Africa: Blame's true place
Give South Africa to the blacks!
If this were to happen, then maybe we, the self-righteous natives would see that without the European influence, the country will collapse as a result of corruption, crime, rape, murder, and lack of a democratic government. But come to think of it, once all the whites left and made it back to the UK or US etc., then we would follow, with our hands open, crying, begging for a better life and wanting yet again to live off the white man. In other words, don't blame the white race for being what it is, sometimes it takes one to see that we the blacks are the true problem.
-Yes, I am black.Darmon 01 May 2009, 12:50 - Report -
in response to post dated 23 April 2009, 03:15:39 am
That was insensitive, please accept my apology. The intention was not to discredit, but rather make reference to the westernisation of African culture “.”
Let us be thankful for the fools. But for them the rest of us could not succeed 02 May 2009, 09:51 - Report -
So you've got to let me know... Should I stay or should I go?
I knew SA was bad a few years ago, but I thought the murders and rapes calmed down. I've been thinking of visiting and even moving to SA, but now I'm not sure. I currently live in the United States and I've been mugged at knife point, beaten by a large group for my wallet, and had so many things stolen while I was out of my home that I can't tally the numbers. We have some of the same problems caused by political correctness- the police and courts can't really stop Mexican or Black crime. But also it is a business for the gov't to arrest people: a baby-rapist can't pay fines and fees but a good person with a job who got caught drinking a beer in public can pay to keep the court system running. Also, none of the liberals want to hurt anyone's feeling and we are all raised to feel White Guilt. As a result entire areas of the Southwest are overrun by illigals and their problems and I really do feel like I'm in Mexico. And to pile it on, our new "watch list" includes people who have Christian, or Right Wing views, and like to talk but the list doesn't include Communists who have actually hurt people. In other words, now "hatefull words" are a worse crime than non-hatefull violent acts. WTF? Anyway, I could ramble all night about the death of the US but the real question is---- should that woman, or anyone else who is White and not South African come for a visit or even move there? Or should we just go somewhere else?
Oilhead 06 May 2009, 05:35 - Report -
one more thing...
To Chris the "American living in Joberg for the past year" -- where in the US did you live? In my life in Aztlan, I've lived in areas where Mexicans speak Spanish, Vietnamese speak Vietnamese, blacks speak ebonics, etc, and EVERYONE HATES EACH OTHER. I lived through two high school shootings, been robbed at work, all the things from my last post, and experienced other violence and crime that would probably make you think I'm from Tijuana.... The only places in the US I've visited that had all the love and doves are wealthy and predominantly White communities where liberal White people get thier ideas on race relations from the Cosby Show. I hate to break this to you, but in the mixed-up areas of the USA people do not get along. And I just looked it up- the US has an average murder rate of 47 per day with 25 being caused by illigal alians. On that subject, the local radio has reported that when illigal alians are arrested they will be released because the jails are full so there is only room for Americans. Sweet dude, real sweet... So let me guess, you are from Madison, Aspen, Seattle?
Please don't talk about the Kenyan President because he got 97% of the black vote. How is that not racist? If McShame had 97% of the White vote you and the world would cry: "racism" !!!! And you know it.
Sorry to get on a rant, but it's self-hating Americans that are ruining this once great nation, and I say good riddence to you. I hope you lose your right to vote in a country that you do not live in anymore.Oilhead 06 May 2009, 06:29 - Report -
Obviously no matter the miles or cultures...blacks (as a culture) are disliked by just about everyone.
So if I may be so bold to ask? Are Blacks truly the inferior culture?from Afar 15 May 2009, 02:05 - Report -
Love to all , but have you noticed something in the continuity of these opinions , that somebody has been filtering out the worst language , insults , and threats . Watering down the paragraphs in some sense of SENSORSHIP , that you lot in Africa will have to get used to , given that most of world and European opinion is that SA is going the way of Rhodbabwe or Uganda c early 1970's , because clearly the possesors of this site in contrite publication , do not want to be closed down due to your governments interference , or have any scruple with regarding international opinion .
Or in other words , they don't like the freedom of speech professed on this site and have for one reason or another blocked certain responses , for the sake of politicle expediancy or threat of closure , what with the World Cup coming up , those who are in control want a nice prissy , dummed down site so that any outrageous or extreem views of the right , whatever the side of the fence a persons experiance of racialisum is , where ever in the world not espescially in SA , GB , USA Malaya or anywhere else.
And I don't expexpect to see this opinion above appear on this web blog loger than 17th May 2009,this written on the 15th May 2009 , if it does disappear then I will be right , and you will be heading for dictatorship very shortly , World Cup or no.British Bulldog 15 May 2009, 09:06 - Report -
Person 1: Waaaa your black
Person 2: Waaaa your white
Person 3: Who cares?dfdfd 17 May 2009, 03:56 - Report -
black ppl everywhere
bobby 18 May 2009, 01:40 - Report -
Who cares? , well if you read the above a lot of peaple care about a lot of things.Such as civilisation , the right to live in freedom and respect , the right not to be mugged or killed on the street or in their own home.The right to a job of their choice , the right to education from primary to university without hinderence.Democratic freedom and the right to say "no" to oppressive regimes or ones in the pipeline , the right to live and choose ones own destiny , the care of loved ones old and young , youth or middle aged to be protected against tyrany . The right to a crossboard health system with no factuousness between races , the right to legal representation , the right not to be tortured by the state , the right to have an opinion , the right to protect oneself or your loved ones and friends.
Yes there is a lot to care about , I even respect your scant opinion (all 13 words of it), so why don't go and think about your question who cares ? , mmmmmm I think only about 7 billion persons worldwide would be my answer.British Bulldog 18 May 2009, 06:07 - Report -
i like apple pie =D
bobby 20 May 2009, 01:14 - Report -
me 2 haha
dobby 20 May 2009, 01:17 - Report -
what the hell
what the hell are yous on about?
Banana cake is way better XDmitch 20 May 2009, 01:20 - Report -
Culinary matters
Be sure to have your cake and eat it , but make sure it's not horse fodder , the fight for freedom continues as opposed to "let them eat cake" , which has been said befor and was one of the causes of the French revolution .So tread carefully , make sure the cake you bake is good and not foul , for if be foul then there is no hope for you . So think befor you make phlippent the remarks on this blog.
The Oracle 23 May 2009, 04:58 - Report -
Lebanese are filth
The Creator of ALL
past, present and future
The True and Only GOD ever.
Death to lebs, they are the scum of the universe.
http://atheists.2hell.comyung CAUCASOID 29 May 2009, 03:04 - Report -
to Observer
How do you feel about a black President then , who is now running one of the most civilised countries in the world , how long befor USA is dragged the way of SA . Or could you imagine the fall out if he is impeached out of office , and then we'll see how civilised you are.
The Oracle 04 Jun 2009, 08:36 - Report -
why do white Americans always assume all white SAs see themselves as African
Why do white Americans always call me African I for one don't see myself as a African I see my self as a european South African which is what all white S Africans are really, an African is indigenous to the continent which white SAs are not, I may be born in Africa but my bloodline, heritage and identity is 100% European and I embrace it all with pride I dont even speak an African language.
The next American who says I am African I shall screamShirley 07 Jun 2009, 03:50 - Report -
Wil never stop
My god al ths is never goin to end is it? Everyones been brainwashd bye ths hole thng. End ov the day everyone came in to the world the same way and skin color is only skin. Take away the skin n were al the exact same inside
Kay-pea 13 Jun 2009, 02:11 - Report -
Wil never stop
My god al ths is never goin to end is it? Everyones been brainwashd bye ths hole thng. End ov the day everyone came in to the world the same way and skin color is only skin. Take away the skin n were al the exact same inside
Kay-pea 13 Jun 2009, 02:12 - Report -
Kay -pea
You can tell Kay is a Simba trying to use a cell phone , they're all the same these velt cats , broke into a human house while the computers on I suppose , go drink out of their pool and jump the fence , leave the real thinking and interaction with man to us SHIA.
Kia es sar ( Moon river dancer) 15 Jun 2009, 10:16 - Report -
SA lover
It's AMERICAN not Amaerican , come on check the spelling.
British Bulldog 15 Jun 2009, 10:51 - Report -
African Language
Yea , go Shirley , how can white folks speak african anyway , the only tongue that is suited to michelin lips , fat and full of air .
flat nosed bastard 15 Jun 2009, 11:02 - Report -
Wake up and realize
So many white people all over the world have fallen into this trap of "white guilt". Guilt that is forced upon us by liberal media. In the united states and elsewhere there is a notion that we have some obligation to help the struggling black,hispanic,muslim, etc. man due to so many generations of injustice. In the United States Lincoln freed the slaves a hundred anf fifty years ago and the crime rate and black on white crime is through the roof. Pride in the achievements of our people is discouraged. In Germany people have no right at all to feel pride for there people and country, yet minorities are encouraged to do so. Why do so many of by into this rediculous notion that we owe these people. White people come to these countrys and flourish in generations. The situation in South Africa is just terrible. I can't even think of anything to say, I just pray for the descent folks there and hope you wise up. Because you, us, we are losing. Losing the right to persue our destiny. P.S HIV=AIDS.
Germans IN America 18 Jun 2009, 10:36 - Report -
English Leaving UK again
First of all can i please get something straight for the uneducated. The UK is not only england, there are other countries which make up the UK. I myself, am from Wales which is a beautiful country but live and work in Scotland as my wife is scottish. I can understand some of the racist comments regarding BRITSIH! people leaving the UK. I have seen such a change in this country where the Politically correct brigade see anything which is white orientated as racist againt any other ethnic group. The country has literally gone to the dogs. I went to work in Dubai for 4 years and was glad to leave because of the discrimination against non-locals. Bt coming back to UK was another shock to see how far the contry has sunk, they say be pround to be British! I can see what part is British anymore.
Ok back to South Africa. Well I am due to come out to South Africa to work on a huge project to build new Power Stations for the country.
So I want to know is it realy worth me bringing my knowledge and experience to South Africa to benefit everybody and building a stronger info-structure and jobs but because I am white I am at risk? Now does that not seem sad that when people are prepared to come to South Africa to build better internal systems for all to use they are put at risk from mugging or murder? So in essence sombody making the country better gets killed for helping a struggling nation..weird! So I aks is it worth giving you help??Trying to help SA 19 Jun 2009, 06:35 - Report -
To sad people feel so bad
Wow, I'm South African and had a good laugh at the forum. The focus seems to be on black and white, but actually its a lot about money. Apart from the greed and jealousy, there's a lot of joy here to share and experience. Viva Africa!
I could be anywhere, but choose SA as my home, mostly because you can still ignite a smile from almost anyone, anwhere, anytime.
It's a great place, with plenty of racism and misunderstanding, but also a great spirit. And as South Africans - come on people, get over the perceptions of the past, we'll be sharing the future togethor.Snakeskinsun 20 Jun 2009, 06:17 - Report -
yung Caucasoid
You call yourselves Aryans on your website , why are you so down on the Lebanese , surely with you religo-politicle views I would assume that your view is to the south of their border, or is it some sort of code.As for South Africa the Tier Blanche mentality will not help your situation much further , I agree everyone in every country should put their own people 1st , but indigenous persons should NOT BE 2nd class citizens where ever they are.
Aryan race , who are they ? , I'll tell you who they were historically , they were'nt Jewish , or European , or North German , they were Mongolians ......yeah! Chinese are you Chinese? , I think not. Spout your phaf on your own site and leave these poor devils in South Africa alone to try and get a concencial conclusion to their problems , and leave other shit to other nations.British Bulldog 28 Jun 2009, 07:50 - Report -
White South Africans
To all my fellow white South Africans, I am sooo tired of hearing the same old argument day in and day out. Lets face it we are a minority in this country, so let us stop trying to rule it as if we are the majority!! Get used to it OK, this is the way it is, havent you ever heard of the term "majority rules"?
That Guy 09 Jul 2009, 03:19 - Report -
Whats really wrong in this country
We should never have become a Republic, what a sad day when we were no longer a part of the commonwealth, cause the Afrikaaners really F'd our country up with there idiocy (anyone with a good economics background will tell you that) and now the ANC are struggling to fix the AFRIKAANER screw up.
Truth 09 Jul 2009, 03:32 - Report -
Don't travel there
Why travel there if you not gonna feel safe? If I was you, I'd not go there, south africa is very unsafe anyway.
Davor 13 Jul 2009, 07:33 - Report -
After all the people writing on this blog , the historians , future politicians , present politicians , ordinary folk , foriegners (some of whom have never been here ). I say to you this, SA has real problems but some good will come out of your question , at least we are talking for and against on this site , we hav'nt got to the point of civil war yet , that won't help nobody and only kill loads , the innocent allways die , while the perpetraitors get away with it allways , so who wins ? the grim reaper , it's make your mind up time , if you're intrested I think you should reply.
Doubtful mind 13 Jul 2009, 11:03 - Report -
Sanitisation 2
Do you believe it , they're at it again , last week there were 198 opinions on this site . And today surprise surprise there is 197 , so perhaps opinion 197 was a bit too senistive and had to be culled . I'm watching you "just landed", all opinion about racisum is valid for and against by people who wish to air their views . This written at 11.27am on the 19th July 2009 if this disappears after one month then I will be right and your heading for dictatorship . Happy birthday Nelson 91 .
British Bulldog 19 Jul 2009, 12:30 - Report
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