propaganda or truth?

  • Dear Rodney,
    I am glad you are encouraging people to do a little research and study a little bit of history before they have an opinion of their own. I only wished, while reading the message you wrote, that you did a little reading of real history yourself.
    Allow me to enlighten you of a few details that unfortunately you seem to have left out.
    In 1571 the ottoman empire invaded Cyprus and occupied the whole island killing, raping and torturing thousands of Greeks ( as well as venetians and other Christians ). For 300 years this torturing continued and thousands of Greeks were still being slaughtered, women and children were still being raped and were sold as slaves. In 1878 the English "bought" the island from the invadors giving hope to the Greek nation in Cyprus that they would offer them a better tomorrow and a future for them and their children. They truly believed and trusted that the nightmare would come to an end. During the second world war Greeks stood by the allies ( English, French etc..) against the facists having faith in the promises of Winston Churchill that they would be given freedom by the end of the war. Unfortunately for them, England did not keep their promise and in 1955 the greeks had no option but to start their fight for union with Greece. In 1960, England with the blessings of USA imposed an agreement for independance even though they knew from the very beginning that it was doomed to collapse. In the meantime since 1958 the Turks gathered army and equipment in the island and planned the Partition that suited them. In 1963 the intercommunal hostilities began and the official report of the Attorney General of the UN stated that there were 245 Turks and 50 greeks dead. I would not think of this amount of deaths as Genecide and ethnic cleansing.
    i challenge anyone that may have facts of anything different than what i have stated to say so. In 1974 after the coup d'état, Turkey illegaly invaded Cyprus for the second time, killing 5000 Greeks, raping and torturing once again. They managed to occupy 38% of the island leaving many families without fathers and husbands and 200.000 people without a home.

    What exactly do you mean when you speak of security for turkish residence and others? ( which others?)

    The international community condemned "TRNC" as you like to call Northern Cyprus ( resolutions 541 and 550 of the security council of the UN).
    Of course all this may mean nothing to your petty motives ( buying a holiday home or drinking yourself silly every day) but for us, all this means EXISTENCE.
    All this dear Rodney from Birmingham, that you call propaganda, is actually real facts and history but if it makes you feel better calling it that, you may do so. it really means nothing to us and to the rest of the world.
    And just so that you don't worry about the representation of the "polite"turkish community, you can be sure that they represent themselves for exactly what they are.
    i hope Rodney that you do a bit of indepth research to broaden your knowledge on the subject since you are so interested about MY country.

    Greek Christian Orthdox 15 May 2009, 10:08 - Report
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