
  • Dear outsider, Your irony has humored me.

    You are right.. peace should be given a chance. No one more than I wants peace and harmony, respect of human rights and good well being in a democratic society. It seems you have absolutely no idea what these words mean or what they feel like.

    Just to set the record straight, the information i gave in my previous message did not come from any church books or any school books. History books written by european authors, documentaries on the Cyprus Problem such as UN resolutions, findings of the European Court of Human Rights and findings of the UN Commission of Human Rights have not been written by the church. All this serious documentation can be found in Libraries, bookstores and archives.

    It seems you are a very confused person. Are you sure you understand what the word "history" actually means?
    Do you know what the word Istanbul actually means? I take it you don't so i will try, very briefly to explain.
    Istanbul originates from the greek phrase "is tin POLI". POLI is the abbreviation of Constantinoupolis. What do you mean "...It is Istanbul and always will be" you outsider peace maker?

    You are such an outsider that you actually believe that the world considers Greeks to be petty and greedy? are you from another planet? The old saying you have mentioned above comes from Greek History and the correct version is FEAR the Danaus bringing gifts. Look it up in a history book. But, you are SUCH an outsider that you actually interpreted it wrongly in your own twisted perception of facts.

    The Greek Island you mentioned.. would you be talking about the Greek Island of Crete? Should they have accpeted to be under turkish slavery to make you happy? That would be PEACE for you would it?
    As to the 'mine, mine culture', i would like you to know that the turks are occupying the house of my parents, the house of my grandparents, and the houses of many many many other greeks. well, here is my suggestion. I assume you have a house and if you don't your parents do, and if they don't... go make a loan and buy one. Then, i'll come over, kick you out of your home.. you can go and live in a tent under an olive tree for a couple of years... hope you won't die from any disease, in the meantime i'll live happily ever after in your home...no hard feelings. How does that sound? you wouldn't want it back would you? if you did then that would make you like me... with a mine mine mine culture.
    I don't know which country you are from but i'll tell you one thing. You would make an excellent turk.

    Greek Christian Orthodox 22 Jun 2009, 11:12 - Report
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