Appartement Lausanne
I am soon to be master student at EPFL with decent french speaking skills.
I am looking for a room in Lausanne, starting from September (date negotiable) (for around one year but that is negotiable as well). I also have another person with which I could share an appartemnt. The price i'm looking for is raughly 550 Fr a month (slightly negotiable).
[email removed]
DanteDante 04 juil 2008, 01:24 - Signaler un abus
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Need accomodation in Lausanne
- living in lausanne
- accomodation in lausanne
- Accommodation in laussane
- Flats in Lausanne
- Room on Rent in Lausanne
- Room wanted on Rent
- Room in Lausanne
- Living In Lausanne
- room needed for rentage or share
- Room needed or shared accomodation in Lausanne
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- living in lausanne
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- Looking for accomodation in Lausanna Cheap cost 3 month
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- accomodation near EPFL for 3 months
- Accomodation near EPFL for 6 months
- Accomodation
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- Apartment rental in Lausanne
- Looking for accommodation as of Aug/Sep2008
- Accomodation in Lausanne
- place to sleep lausanne
- Appartement Lausanne
- Looking for accomodation
- ^^
- Looking for a space to inhabit from September
- Room near EPFL in Lausanne
- Looking for a room
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- availableroom in Lausanne
- still available
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- accomodation in lausanne
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- rent in lausanne
- rental in lausanne
- Looking for accomodation
- URGENT!!!! looking for room in lausanne
- Looking for a furnished studio apartment
- Place available to stay in Lausanne area
- available to stay in Lausanne area
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