Direct Wonen ...... SUCKS!!! YES THEY DO!
Choose if....
1.) You want to experience extortion
2.) You want to get the feeling that you are not respected
3.) You want to be treated like dirt
4.) You want to feel stupid
5.) You want to experience sleepless nights
6.) You want to experience a first hand course in "How Not to Treat Your Customers!" or "How to Piss Off Your Clients, Extort them, and Get Away With It!"
....... the list goes on but i think you get my point
I did briefly use another real estate agency and these guys are 1000 x 10^39 times better than directwonen..... give rotsvast a go
Try to find other means to find an appartment they will bear far more fruits than directwonen
Nobody likes being ripped offAlex D 05 juin 2008, 04:23 - Signaler un abus
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DirectWonen SUCKS!
- Thanks for the heads up, Bessy!!
- DirectWonen SUCKS! IT's F***ING TRUE
- Direct Wonen helps you to find a new rental property!
- my response to Direct Wonen...
- Avoid Directwonen!
- Direct Wonen
- DirectWonen SUCKS!
- DirectWonen
- Just use
- Direct Wonen ...... SUCKS!!! YES THEY DO!
- This agency worked great for me!
- Direct wonen is holding my money hostage
- DirectWonen is the WORST housing agency I have ever dealt with!
- Covers Housing sucks
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