name of german money

  • i dont know the names of german money

    14 juin 2006, 11:11 Anonymous
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  • name of german money

    Hey, Germany doesn't have an own currency anymore. They're participants in the european-currency-reform and therefor also have introduced the Euro as the only valid currency in 2001.

    Hope that's been helpful.


    Anonymous 23 juin 2006, 02:44 - Signaler un abus
  • finanzen

    hi bevor 2002 our mony called "Deutsche Mark" and after, or now ^^ it called "euro" like in many other states in european....

    Anonymous 28 juil 2006, 07:20 - Signaler un abus
  • germany

    wat is the money called

    lanedra woodard 25 avr 2007, 11:46 - Signaler un abus
  • name of Germany money

    I really need to know what Germany's money is called. I really need it for a report i am doing.

    Hey anonymous, are you sure that germany doesn't have it's own currency???

    NEEDS TO KNOW THE ANSWER 03 mai 2007, 06:24 - Signaler un abus

    Germany is a member of the European Union. In addition, it is a member of the European Monetary Union (not the same thing). This means that, alongside the majority of the EU countries, it adopted the Euro as its currency in place of it's national currency (which was the Deutschmark or Mark). Happened a long time ago! Good luck with the report - you'll need it blunk

    Klaus 03 mai 2007, 03:46 - Signaler un abus
  • germany money

    i neeeeeeeed to know it to

    some 1 03 mai 2007, 09:03 - Signaler un abus
  • german money!

    Hey, I am doing my homework on the computer and we have to name 5 countries and write what money they use! and i wanna do germany but im having a bit of trouble! does anyone know the german money ??? and i need the right answer coz my teacher is REALLY strict! thnx @ x luv clara

    clarzywarzy xoxox 08 oct 2007, 04:36 - Signaler un abus
  • germany money

    I have a repot to do on Germany and I need to know what is the name of their money!!!!!!!!!

    ale 23 oct 2007, 11:34 - Signaler un abus
  • Money


    xx 31 oct 2007, 01:02 - Signaler un abus
  • german money

    does anyone know the name of german money used during the thirty years war i am doing a report and need to find out

    anonymous 25 jan 2008, 04:03 - Signaler un abus
  • hi

    im doing a project and i need to know what its called cause im almost done all i need is the name

    something 03 avr 2008, 07:28 - Signaler un abus
  • hi again

    r u sure its called euro's

    something 03 avr 2008, 07:30 - Signaler un abus
  • germany s money

    hi i am doing a report and i need to know what there money is called

    miranda 11 avr 2008, 06:28 - Signaler un abus
  • hi

    thank you!

    something 15 avr 2008, 07:22 - Signaler un abus
  • hi

    hey thanks for helping my friend something


    something2 15 avr 2008, 07:25 - Signaler un abus
  • hi

    what is the name german money my friend forgot

    something2 15 avr 2008, 07:26 - Signaler un abus
  • hi

    its euro!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    something 15 avr 2008, 07:28 - Signaler un abus
  • nick geraghty

    Lol adan read tgus

    Nick 29 avr 2008, 03:49 - Signaler un abus
  • adam smells


    NICK 29 avr 2008, 03:50 - Signaler un abus
  • what

    what is this?

    something 2 07 mai 2008, 04:52 - Signaler un abus
  • need to know what germanys money is


    LANDON 12 mai 2008, 04:14 - Signaler un abus
  • german money

    please tell me what is germanys money called

    brodie lay 12 mai 2008, 05:50 - Signaler un abus
  • jake you need to calm down buddy

    CALM DOWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    brodie lay 12 mai 2008, 05:53 - Signaler un abus
  • german money


    smat 28 mai 2008, 03:33 - Signaler un abus
  • gerams rock

    ello im rottish i think it is called eruos see you later old chaps

    betty bluin 28 mai 2008, 03:37 - Signaler un abus
  • argh

    Gottverdammte scheisse

    bla 05 juin 2008, 12:58 - Signaler un abus
  • eros

    i dont realy get it

    will morgan 16 juin 2008, 08:22 - Signaler un abus
  • eros

    email me at [email removed]

    will morgan 16 juin 2008, 08:25 - Signaler un abus
  • what revisited

    I don't really understand this either....

    something3 25 juin 2008, 09:44 - Signaler un abus
  • thirty years war

    During the thirty years war there where several different currencies used in various regions of Germany the Guilder or Florin was the most common but the Thaler was also used in certian areas. The exchange rate between the two varried over time. Hope this helps a bit

    henry 02 juil 2008, 08:12 - Signaler un abus
  • german money

    thanx 4 tha info itz hlpd with my wrk at ma skool

    playa 06 août 2008, 04:41 - Signaler un abus
  • Germany's money is called euros

    the money in germany is called euros.
    im from Germany (hehe)
    hope it helps

    Josi Duerr 27 sept 2008, 12:58 - Signaler un abus
  • German money

    I REALLY need to know for a report

    HE 06 oct 2008, 03:47 - Signaler un abus
  • German Money(report)

    IT is euros!!

    EHAIR 06 oct 2008, 03:51 - Signaler un abus
  • germany

    why did u do that for what the hell who is this idiot

    g ysfkcy 09 nov 2008, 02:37 - Signaler un abus
  • german money!!!!!!!!

    i need to now the name of german money... im doing a report, due tuesday.

    simple aaammmrrr 22 nov 2008, 09:09 - Signaler un abus
  • GERMAN MONEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    what the heck is german money called? is it euros or something else? and what is the german national bird?! ah! im going to fail!!!!!! sad and what about the flower? is it edelweiss? or is that switzerlands national flower?! i need to kno peoples!

    i_skaterchic 03 déc 2008, 07:45 - Signaler un abus
  • jadaj

    i am sexy it is EURO

    jada 03 déc 2008, 11:07 - Signaler un abus

    La economía política fue el término original utilizado para el estudio de las relaciones de producción, especialmente entre las tres clases principales de la sociedad capitalista.

    balboarlens 05 déc 2008, 10:41 - Signaler un abus
  • germany

    whats was germany money called back then please somebody tell me for my report

    rod 17 déc 2008, 11:20 - Signaler un abus
  • ......

    tell me

    sherrod 17 déc 2008, 11:22 - Signaler un abus
  • i know what it is

    go to google and type in WHAT IS THE NAME FOR GEMANY'S MONEY ONLY DONT PUT IT IN CAPS and see what you get on that just an idea i use it all the time !!!!!

    Abrianna Dunn 22 déc 2008, 12:09 - Signaler un abus
  • i need to know german money is called

    stupid reports for school suck i need to know what german money is called.

    sillysissy101 10 jan 2009, 07:37 - Signaler un abus
  • i kenw it

    what up

    mike fuck 21 jan 2009, 07:12 - Signaler un abus
  • extremely important

    I m doing a report on the internet being a waste of time, full of repetitive overlaps of information. my teacher is very strict, so i realy need to make sure. the Euro is the official currency of germany? can someone please answer asap. i really am worried about failing, and it doesn't seem like i can get a straight answer

    Dr. Stu pidmutha 22 jan 2009, 09:07 - Signaler un abus
  • germanys money

    Alright right now germany used the "Euro" as currency but back in 1918 1940 and such during the wars they used the "deutsche mark" I hope this helps someone who is or may be a bit confused. happy
    Also as i do businesss in school other countries currency consists of:
    Spain : Paseta
    China : Yuan / renminbi (means peoples currency"
    Phillipines: peso
    Vietnam : piaster / dong
    Greece : Drachma
    India : Rupee
    Thailand :Baht
    South Africa : Rand
    Korea : Won
    Iceland : Kronur
    I hope this helps someone happy
    Link to a site with many countries and the money.. you will need to scroll down for the highlighted link with their name and currency.
    If you dont want to click a link for more info
    The main information is givin on the sub link on that site on the bottom of the page E.g (America Dollar) or (India Rupee)
    Goodluck on future assignments and homework!!!

    Lachlan.S 05 fév 2009, 10:52 - Signaler un abus

    If you need help with issues like that or similar dont hesitate to give me a message over email. My email is [email removed]
    !! !!
    !! !! !! !!
    !! ! !!

    Lachlan.S 05 fév 2009, 10:58 - Signaler un abus
  • yal are like no help at all!

    r you freaken serious! a monkey has better answeres than yal dush bags! AND BY THE WAY IM COLOMBIAN (FROM SSOUTH AMERICA) NOT FROM BRITISH COLUMBIA! AND IM NOT ASIAN EITHER! GOSH!!! OOPSIE I JUST GO MY PERIOD!!

    UR VALENTINE 13 fév 2009, 02:12 - Signaler un abus
  • hello

    wat is the name of austria original currency

    shanice 05 mars 2009, 03:10 - Signaler un abus
  • hello

    wat is the name of span original currency

    shanice 05 mars 2009, 03:12 - Signaler un abus
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