Mobile Internet, also for mobile phones
I've been looking for mobile internet too, with a prepaid SIM card without monthly fees. At the moment (April 2009) I find those quite interesting:
- Swisscom NATEL® easy liberty *UNO*:
0.01 CHF/10kB (=1 CHF/MB), and max. 5 CHF/day - more is free! (catch is, normal phone calls abroad very expensive)
- Sunrise take away prepaid:
3 CHF/h (but already for the beginning of each hour, e.g. 61 min = 6 CHF)
- Yallo: 0.10 CHF/20kB (=5 CHF/MB), and extremely cheap phone calls abroad, cheaper than inside switzerland!
Alas, I bought a Lebara card with incredibly cheap prices for phone calls abroad, when the seller told me it had the same data rates as sunrise, but not true: Lebara wants a whopping 10 CHF/MB!! (and probably for each connection already, since they don't say otherwise)(
CRS 01 may 2009, 11:56 - Denunciar