Translation to english

  • Lo pongo en inglés, por si algun Frances sabe algo (no sé frances).


    I've got an easy answer; I wanna move to France.


    I don't really know, it may be caused beacuse I'm tired of my life here in Spain, although I have job, family, girlfriend, and things are going fine right now.

    But I am not happy and I don't feel OK with the life I take, and I know that someday I'm gonna end moving to Paris.

    Does anybody know the things I need in order to get residence privileges or something like that? (having in mind that I would go with nothing at all, just with the money I've been saving for years, but with no work)

    Any facility for UE citizens?

    Thank you.

    Best Regards

    Marcos 09 mar 2007, 07:44 - Denunciar
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