But still not impossible!...

  • That's right! I'm in the same situation. It's even harder to learn German in Switzerland while everybody speaks the dialect. Even if you are taking classes, you need a person to communicate to each day in order to improve your German. The grammar is difficult, but not impossible to learn, and I'm saying this as a latin-based language speaker, where grammar is a challenge, too. Every language has its own rules which makes the learning process interesting. And I believe, if you put passion into it, it works! So, step-by-step, in our own pace, pushed forward by a liiiiiitle bit of motivation (depends on each of us what this could be) we'll see the result faster then we would've expected to.
    Hopefully, for myself too, that the German we're studying will improve considerably as soon as possible, so we can be content of braking a barrier of communication!
    Good luck, and have fun learning!

    Mihaela 10 Jan 2008, 02:57 - Report
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How long does it take to learn German?

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