i think you are an uneducated tosser

  • i am an american who has spent a great deal of time in travelling through india and saudi arabia and i have met many different people with different stories. it is people like you who are keeping the women opressed, there may have been wars over women.. over who OWNS them. women are not a product to be bargained or fought over they are living breathing humans who deserve the same rights as anyone else. just because they dont have penis does not make them inferior. without women you would not have your precious sons you so greatly desire you would not have the 'romantic sex we americans dream about' and you would have no one to pick up after you!!! so before you start being an obusive asshole look in the mirror just cause you think you are right doesnt make it so!!!!

    pissed off 28 May 2009, 06:32 - Report
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