Job for an Experienced Head of E.R.W.Pipe Plant
Dipak Kumar Sinha
F-5/105, Sugam Park Mobile: +91 9433942919
195,N.S.Road,Narendrapur Phone: 033 24272187 (Residence)
Kolkata- 700103 E-Mail: [email removed]
West Bengal,India [email removed]
Educational Qualification : B.Met.E. ( Jadavpur University)
D.O.B : 15.04.1950
Joined in Rourkela Steel Plant. : 27.06.1974
A dynamic professional with over 33 years of extensive experience in Production Planning & Control, Plant Operations, Project Management, Maintenance Functions, Quality Assurance & Man Management in E.R.W.Pipe Plant,Hot Strip Mill and Sintering Plant in Rourkela Steel Plant and Steel Melting Shop in Alloy Steel Plant,Durgapur.
Working Experience with M.N.Dastur & Co (P) Ltd.Kolkata as Advisor since 15.03.2006 to 14.09.2008.
Special expertise in Tube Mill setting, in addition to Head of Operation activities(27years).
Proven track record in implementing cost saving measures to achieve substantial reduction in terms of cost of production, raw materials, manpower and to improve machine utilization and productivity.
Experience in maintenance/operations of a wide spectrum of equipments and components adopting preventive maintenance to reduce breakdown maintenance by following standard operating / maintenance practices (SOP/ SMP).
Resourceful at strategizing techniques for optimum utilization of man-power / machinery.
Effective communicator with assertive and strong leadership qualities.
Analytical approach to solve problems.
Plant Operations
Coordinating plant activities for the set up standards with accountability for strategic utilization & deployment of available resources such as fuel, power, spares to achieve organizational objectives.
Reviewing and monitoring maintenance related reports.
Production Planning & Control
Managing overall operations with a view to ensure timely accomplishment of production targets with cost effectiveness and despatch before time.
Overseeing overall Procurement activities, implementing effective techniques to bring efficiency in operations, improve quality standards & achieve maximum cost savings.
Project Management
Managing the projects from concept to commissioning stage & handling project activities involving working out various requirements with respect to planning, utilities, machines, manpower & monitoring overall project execution for ensuring timely completion.
Operations & Maintenance
Planning & effecting preventive maintenance schedules of various equipments for improved equipment availability and reliability.
Proactively identifying areas of obstruction/breakdowns and taking preventive measures to stop reoccurance of breakdowns.
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Quality Assurance
Taking stringent quality measures including preparation / maintenance of necessary documents and conducting internal audits to ensure compliance with standards.
Monitoring adherence to quality systems and comply with ISO 9001 (2000 version) quality standards and maintaining requisite documentations.
Undertaking inspection of raw-material, tools, jigs & fixtures, gauges & General Stores.
Implementing quality systems in the organisation to reduce rejections and ensure zero defect products.
Man Management
Managing a team of executives & guiding site staff members to address and resolve performance bottlenecks.
Planning effective manpower deployment & works scheduling of qualified workforce; addressing training needs to enhance morale and skills of staff and workmen.
(A) Working Experience/Achievements in Steel Plants( 32 Years)
1. Rourkela Steel Plant
a) Dept.: E.R.W.Pipe Plant
• 27 yrs working experience from Shift-in –Charge level upto Head of Operation.
• Expert in Pipe and Tube Manufacturing and Processing including Stringent API Pipes.
• Improved quality of Pipes produced after Modernisation of R.S.P. in 2005.
O.D. (in inch) : 8 ⅝ to 18
W.T. (mm) : 3.2 to 12.7
Grades : API 5L upto X – 70 & IS
Achievements, Technical and Administrative Expertise :
• Excellent Technical and Administrative Expertise/Ability to Set and Manage E.R.W.Pipe Plant /Tube Mills of O.D. (½ " to 18 "as an Expert Tube Mill Engineer and as Head of Operation.
• Pl.Note > Unparallel Special expertise in Tube Mill setting, in addition to Head of Operation activities Stringent API Quality Pipes.
• Pl.Note > Under my technical expertise, direct leadership & guidance, , Stringent API quality pipes with RBT despatched first time to M/S GAIL in 1999-2000 (which was beyond Mill Capability).
• Pl.Note > Involvement in Modernisation Projects:
# Improved Forming & Weld Seam Normalising in 1984.
# Installation of H.F. Welder, in 1991.
# Modernisation for Improvement in API Yield & Grade upto API 5L X- 70 with D/T Ratio- 100 / 1 in 2005.
• Involvement in ISO 9001(2000 Version)& accreditation & renewal of API- Q1 Certificate.
b) Worked as Shift-In-Charge/ Section In-Charge in the following Depts. of Rourkela Steel Plant :
# Blast Furnace (O) -- 1 Year, (Shift- In-Charge).
# Hot Strip Mill (O) – 3Years, (Shift- In-Charge ).
# Sintering Plant (O) – 9 Months as Section In-Charge of Raw Material &Sinter Despatch.
2. Alloy Steel Plant, Durgapur
8 months experience of Special Alloy Steel& Stainless Steel Melting in Electric Arc Furnace as shift-in-charge.
3. Joined M.N.Dastur (Kol) on 15/03/2006 as Advisor, after taking V.R. from Rourkela Steel Plant.
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(B) Enhanchment of Management & Technical Skills
• Environment Management in Australia.
• Training in Germany & Norway for Modernisation of ERW Pipe Plant Rourkela Steel Plant.
• Managerial Effectiveness at Xavier Institute of Management, Bhubaneswar.
• Communication and Presentation Skill,Enhancing Involvement for Turn Around, Managing Self & Team & Customer Relationship Management at MTI, Ranchi
• Disaster Management,
• Internal Audit for Quality Assurance Workshop on ISO 14000 & ISO 9001 (2000 Version) Implementation at R.S.P. ,Rourkela.
(C) Personal Strength
To achieve the set tasks & targets :
• Excellent Leadership quality.
• Excellent Man Management, interpersonal,administrative ability.
• Extremely Strong Will power, Excellent,Unparallel Technical knowledge & Trouble shooting skill and Expertise.
• Maintain technical & administrative discipline to achieve Productivity and Quality with cost effectiveness & customer satisfaction.
• Excellent & effective communication & presentation skills.
• Self disciplined, Self reliant & Self starter.
• Systematic, sincere, hardworking.
(D) Skill in IT
• P.C. Software & M.S.Office(2003)
(E) Working Experience in detail :
Sl No Plant Department/
Section Post Held / Responsibility Period
01 Rourkela Steel Plant,
Rourkela (R.S.P.) Blast Furnace
(Operation) Graduate Engineer 1974-1975
02 R.S.P Hot Strip Mill
(Operation) Junior Engineer
(Shift –in-charge) 1975-1978
03 R.S.P E.R.W.Pipe Plant (Operation) Junior Engineer
(Shift –in-charge) 1978-1981
04 R.S.P E.R.W.Pipe Plant (Operation) Assistant Manager (Mill-in-charge) 1981-1986
05 R.S.P E.R.W.Pipe Plant
(Operation) Deputy Manager, (Mill-in-charge) 1986-1990
06 R.S.P E.R.W.Pipe Plant (Operation) Manager
(Mill-in-charge) 1990-1994
07 R.S.P E.R.W.Pipe Plant (Operation) Senior Manager(In-charge of Production, Finishing & Despatch & Training) 1996-2001
08 R.S.P E.R.W.Pipe Plant (Operation) Assistant General Manager / Head of Operation(In-charge of Production, Finishing & Despatch) 2001-2006 (upto 28/02/06)
09 Alloy Steel Plant, Durgapur. S.M.S., Electric Arc Furnace (O) Manager, (Shift-in-charge) April, 94 -
Dec., 94
10 R.S.P Sinter Plant
(Operation) Manager,in-charge of Raw Material & Sinter Despatch 1994-1995
11 M.N.Dastur & Co,
Kolkata Rolling Mills
Advisor 15.03.06–14.09.08
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Working Experience as Advisor in M.N. Dastur & Co.(P) Ltd. ( Since 15.03.2006 to 14.09.2008)
Involved in the following major projects :
a) Upgradation of RCL# 1 of Tata Steel, Jamshedpur
b) Installation & commissioning of Spot Welder in RCL # 1, Tata Steel
c) Modification of GFG Eletrostatic Oiler in RCL # 1, Tata Steel
d) Installation & commissioning Metal Coating Line, Coil Painting Line, Slitting & Recoiling Line, Packaging Line in Tata-Bluescope, Jamshedpur
e) E.R.W. Pipe Plant project in Goa.
f) Seamless Tube Mill in Vizag Steel Plant.
g) Structural Mill in Vizag Steel Plant.
h) Hot Strip Mill (5.5 Mt) Project of Tata Steel in Kalinga Nagar
i) ATG-CES-Dammam Project for ISP Line & Plate Mill.
j) Projects as & when assigned
(F) Personal Details :
Marital status : Married.
Wife : Housewife.
Daughters : Two (Both Engineers)
Height : 165 cm,
Weight : 66 Kg.
Nationality : Indian
Father’ Name : Late Tarun Kumar Sinha
Hobby : Playing Violin & Electric Guitar, (Qualification– Master in Music)
Salary, Medical and other facilities: As per mutual agreements
(G) References :
1. Mr. G.K.Jha Ex.Director
M.N.Dastur & Company (P) Ltd. Phone:033-24660151
2. Mr. S.Padhi Ex.E.D.(Project &Material Management), Rourkela Steel Plant.Director-In-Charge-Orissa Projects (Uttam Galva Steels Ltd.) Mobile-09437048402
2. Mr.Soilesh Bhattacharya Director (Finance) Steel Authority of India, Ltd. Ispat Bhawan,Lodi Road, New Delhi, Pin -110003. Phone: 011-24368092
3. Mr. K.L.Rathi Ex. Head of E.R.W.Pipe Plant, Rourkela Steel Plant.
Mobile: 09879207540
4. Mr.Sunil Kanti Nath D.G.M.,(Refractory), R.S.P.,Rourkela Mobile : 09437341516
Place : Kolkata
Date : 21.09.2008
(Dipak Kumar Sinha)
Page 4 of 4DIPAK KUMAR SINHA 21 Sep 2008, 12:18 - Report
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