wait a min..or two!
Before anyone starts all over again about this, lemme clear this out, Im neither Kuwaity nor Arab but have been in this country for quite sometime.
I partially agree to what the ladies here have to say about that women are harassed. The points that I dont agree to are the ones that the Kuwaiti Police dont LIKE to arrest the culprits.
Even though for the widely known fact that WASTA (influence/recommendations) here are stronger than the Law its-self, but there is a changing trend. Wasta's are become more and more difficult to find/use. If you read the local section of the newspapers you will surely see how many cases the Kuwaiti Police have solved and if they are Kuwaities involved, they are being charged for it! So they might have not found the culprits yet, but they surely will. Trust me!
Now, what q8expat said is true, that image has been given from what we have seen in dubai. In Kuwait, I have more than a dozen friends/clients who are European and NONE of them are IMPURE/PROSTITUTES.
About using the same elevators, If I see a women going into an elevator all by herself, I would prefer to wait out rather than being ASKED TO WAIT OUT. Otherwise, like a few women who just very camly say "hop in", then its all good for me! This shouldnt imply that I consider women impure!
Wearing the NINJA costume - Well its called an Abaya, just in case ya didnt know!Now its seen everywhere around that, yes, women in an Abaya are also victims of eve teasing. But a little less those who are not... The only thing is that sometimes we forget where (i do too) and wear clothes that are surely gonna attract trouble. C'mon people, this is not the culture/tradition of this place.. we do stand out and thats what makes us more prone to attention... lets just take care of that and Im pretty sure we wont have much of the troubles.
Well finally, the word is that the article does need to use words more carefully rather than using generelization.MBG-Q8 05 Oct 2008, 01:38 - Report
Arabs and their twisted wiew on women
- q8nevermore
- Not accurate
- Hello
- Kuwait
- So true!
- Jack and the Zoo
- Its absolutely True
- wait a min..or two!
- ignore
- Opinion
- wow!
- also
- The Gulf as a Whole
- how hypocritical
- NAKED TRUTH/scratch hard enough ..........
- Kuwait
- Mirror on the Wall
- BAD THINGS and GOOD THINGS about Kuwait
- 2 all the HATERS!!
- don't blame
- Mainly egiptians
- individual role
- individual role
- Respect
- great
- Kuwait is respectful country.