part time job in hotel

  • sir,this is emon.i want a job in hotel/restaurent.i am a good looking energetic and hard working person.i have completed diploma in culinary arts from malaysia.i also have a huge experience of five star hotel ball room.still i am doing job in hotel sel nibash at i am working as i also look after kitchen and house keeping.i also know about bar.when i was in malaysia that time i have worked one bar as a part time bartender.the bar's name is rahsia bistro and wine bar.i can make cocktail.i know how to cook indian chainise and western food.i agree to work any country all over the world.below my details............

    muhammad mainul haque
    passport no. w0810666
    e-mail id. [email removed]
    cell no. 008801724577546 / 008801916099106
    my postal add.
    9, chan miah lane
    p.o+ p.s + dist. manikgonj
    manikgonj town
    post code 1800

    muhammad mainul haque 13 Feb 2008, 11:02 - Report
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hotel job

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