Buffalo application - received Medical forms in 12 months

  • I submitted my initial application to the Buffalo office in May 2006. They acknowledged receipt and said they had begun to review my application as of June 2006. I waited and checked the status online many times, it just always said " IN PROGRESS" It is now May 4, 2007 and yesterday I received the good news that it is time to get my medicals done and must submit them within 60 days. The online status still says In Progress!

    The letter says that I will not need an interview and that they do not require any additional information.

    I live in San Francisco, CA and they have only one approved Physician who can do the medical exam. I called his office and he only does these exams for Canadian Immigration on Wednesday's from 9am - 12noon.

    Kevin M 05 May 2007, 02:40 - Report
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Waiting game!

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