Call FREE India, Pakistan From Orange & O2 CPW Contract !

  • Make Free International Calls by using your free any network minutes with Orange & O2 Carphone Warehouse Contract. You can make Free International calls to India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, China, Hong Kong, South Korea, Malaysia, Uzbekistan, Iran, France, Poland, Turkey, Kuwait, Bahrain, Belgium, Ireland, Netherland, Italy, Australia, Panama, USA, Canada and many other countries.

    You can also dial 0800 and 0845 uk Directory Enquirey free from your orange mobile through this number. Just do the step below.

    Creat a new text message with the following text:

    Noodle Stars

    and send it to the following number:


    You will receive couple of text messages in few seconds one with a mobile number starting with 078223 xxxxx exclusive to you. Just dial that number and then the full International number you want to dial. Please remember that this number will only work with the phone you sent text from. If you want to make Free International calls from another phone you have to send the same text from that phone as well and you will get different number for that.

    Please note that some countries you can only call Monday - Friday (All Day) and some (8am-6pm) and some anytime. So it best you try this durning the week daytime before 6:00pm.

    Imran 22 Nov 2007, 03:45 - Verstoß melden
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FREE Call to Pakistan Landline and Mobile

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