Hello! The reason why the Germans were under the Nazi government (not fascists) is (in Germany are only a few idiots which are Neo-Nazis):
After WW II the German Kaiserreich crashed. The new Weimarer Republik was founded and the Kaiser was ejected. The Weimarer Republik was a democracy, but with constrictions. The Head of State, the Reichspräsident, was able to decree emergency decrees without the acceptance of the parliament (the Reichstag). He was also able to break the parliament and to apply reelections. This was not really democratic, but the people lived a so long time under kings and emperors that they didn´t know anything different like democracy. They wouldn´t had accepted a completed democracy because most of the people who were in the government and officialdom didn´t like democracy. They thought that a democracy isn´t "German". After WW I the Germans had lost a big part of their country and they must pay a lot of reparations. This made some people hating the democracy. Beetween 1919 and 1933 were much crises in the young democracy. Rights and lefts began to fight and a hyperinflation began after France assigned the Ruhr ("Ruhrkampf". The government began to print a great deal of money to back up the people in this part of the country. The money did lose his account, at the apex a newspaper costs over 430 trillion Reichsmark! The unemployment figure was sometimes about 30 %! The NSDAP (Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiter-Partei = National Socialist German Workers' Party) gets because of this reasons much members. Adolf Hitler made big promises to the nonworkers. So they followed him because he promised to make Germany big and great. After the "Machtergreifung", the Nazis started the "Gleichschaltung" (look Wikipedia). The Nazis also disempowered the Reichstag with their "Ermächtigungsgesetz" which gave Hitler the whole might. And because the people dind´t like the democracy of the Weimarer Republik, they thought Hitler wanted to do good things. That´s a little history of the German Empire. In Wikipedia it´s detailed.
Hallo 19 Dez 2008, 05:28 - Verstoß melden