What would I be eligible for?

  • Hi, my name is Nicola and I am a South African born in 1976 and living here ever since. My question is: what passport would I qualify for if my mother was born in Germany (has birth certificate), moved to England at the age of 12 (has a British passport) and then moved to South Africa in 1968 (has SA ID)? I am told that I would have to find out why she became a british citizen and then go from there.. What has that to do with it if she was born in Germany? If I can't apply for a German passport on my mom, could I on my Grandfather? - who was born in Hungary, schooled there and faught in the war (unfortunately all documentation lost at this stage, but we could find something I am sure if we went there and knew what to look for. Any advise?

    28 Авг 2007, 11:30 Nicola
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  • Re: What would I be eligible for?

    as far as I know, if your mother is not a german citizen you cannot apply for a german passport. maybe you can get a british one, and as a eu citizen live in Germany.

    Stephan 30 Авг 2007, 12:20 - Report
  • German citizenship

    Hi Nicola,
    If you are born to atleast one German parent, then you can possibly be eligible for German citizenship since birth. However, these rules have changed various times over the year: sometimes it was the father and sometimes only the mother that could pass citizenship. Important is also if your parents were married at the time of your birth. Where you were born is irrelevant.
    Also check out: www.LG2G.info, the legal guide to Germany

    Alexander, www.vonEngelhardt.com 04 Окт 2007, 10:12 - Report
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