• I really need some sound advice from someone knowledable.

    I am a US citizen and in January I came to Germany to start a year long internship. I had assumed my company was going to take care of all the visa/permits necessary for me to work in Germany (esp. since I don't speak German). I have a residency permit at the moment, but it was not until March (3 months after I had already started working), that my company helped me apply for a work permit. But to this day, I have not recieved approval for a work permit yet.

    So essentially, right now I am working illegally for this company and it is possible that I will be heavily fined and deported if authorities find out. The company keeps claiming that it is MY responsibility to get all the needed papers/stickers, but I truly believe that they are not pulling their weight.

    What can I really do in this instance? Shouldn't they have helped me apply for my work visa BEFORE I even showed up in Germany? And on top of that, they are making ME pay for the work visa!

    08 Июл 2005, 05:13 Anonymous
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  • legal Immigration in Europe


    Euroimmigration DanService is a multidisciplinary team of qualified immigration consultants and lawyers based in Denmark, providing comprehensive services for foreigners who wish to come to the EU European Country : Czech, Hungary, Poland, UK England, Germany, Austria, Denmark, Sweden, Holland, France, Spain, Portugal, permanently, for business, citizenship, residence and work purposes.
    Our webside is:

    Anonymous 13 Июл 2005, 09:37 - Report
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