Volunteer in Peru

  • Jóvenes de Buena Voluntad is an organization that offers an international volunteer program where the foreign volunteers not only participate in activities with the local volunteers but also have the oportunity to live with a family from the comunity and thereby experience an active cultural exchange. It is located in the outskirts of Lima and works mainly with juvenil gangs, hooligans, drug problems and teenage pregnancies.
    - Projects:
    International Winter Workcamp (July/August): develop activities to improve the community; it also puts an emphasis on establishing tolerance, participation, intercultural learning, living together and solidarity
    Learning by Teaching (April-November): supports the teaching the children obtain from school with workshops for personal development and personal skills
    Learning in the Summer (January-March): entertains the children during their vacation by doing workshops, cultural and recreational excursions, camping and other recreational activities
    Receiving a Smile (December): collection and distribution of Christmas presents
    - Accommodation: oportunity to live with a family from the community
    - Experience/Requirements: basic knowledge of Spanish, motivation, ability to work with children and teenagers
    - Profil of the Volunteer: Adults at the of 18-30, former work with children is appreciated, patient, motivated, flexible (there is no fixed schedule)
    - Benefits to volunteer: certification, explanation of history, objectives and operation of Jóvenes de Buena Voluntad
    - Contact: José Luis Quiñones; Av. C Mz. A3 Lt.10 Ventanilla Alta Callao-Lima Perú; [email removed]; +51(1)-553-5580

    04 Авг 2009, 10:36 Jose
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