why do germans hates Brazil so much?

  • a recent british study showed that 40% of germans hate (or dislike)Brazil.germany was the country that most hated Brazil in the world.
    i am brazilian,and i want ask you,germans: why do you hate Brazil so much?

    19 Мар 2009, 02:54 Proud Brazilian
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  • another one


    Alex 21 Мар 2009, 07:47 - Report
  • another one


    Alex 21 Мар 2009, 07:49 - Report
  • alex nazi

    there is some crime in tokyo and zurique too,piece of shit.i live in floripa since i was born,and i never see crime here.
    there is more prostituition in berlin or amsterdan than in brazil,motherfucker!be sure fo that!
    a link to you,nazi

    Proud Brazilian 21 Мар 2009, 07:58 - Report
  • alex german

    there is one more link to you,german

    Proud Brazilian 21 Мар 2009, 08:01 - Report
  • alex nazi,see! it is funny!

    some more

    neo nazis threat to kill all muslin in the world cup.see below

    growing poverty in germany

    Proud Brazilian 21 Мар 2009, 08:06 - Report
  • alex nazi

    it is more safe stay in brazil than in east germany,how you can see...

    Proud Brazilian 21 Мар 2009, 08:09 - Report
  • @ proud shit

    this link says it all:


    i also hate neo nazis. there are many germans who fight against racism. evil people exist in every place. even when i was in brazil i met a person who seemed to be a neo nazi.

    the poverty in gemany is nothing compared to brazil because here there are no homeless children and everybody gets a chance to go to school.

    Alex 21 Мар 2009, 08:14 - Report
  • germany will disappear of the face of earth,because low birth rates

    another one about this subject


    Proud Brazilian 21 Мар 2009, 08:15 - Report
  • alex nazi

    sorry,but there is no brazilian neo-nazi.comunists we have a lot,but neo nazis,no.
    turk children burned alive in germany.see below.

    Proud Brazilian 21 Мар 2009, 08:20 - Report
  • one more


    Proud Brazilian 21 Мар 2009, 08:22 - Report
  • i'm not a nazi + evil racist people alsp exist in brazil


    now i will go for lunch in a nice restaurant with my girlfriend. are you jeallous ?

    Alex 21 Мар 2009, 08:23 - Report
  • brazil


    Alex 21 Мар 2009, 08:24 - Report
  • npd


    far right violence


    Proud Brazilian 21 Мар 2009, 08:25 - Report
  • alex nazi

    you lost,and flee! germany is a shit box! say that,and be happy

    Proud Brazilian 21 Мар 2009, 08:27 - Report
  • alex garbage

    caution in your dinner! neo-nazis might attack you and your girlfried.it is better you have a gun in your waist,to defend yourself and your girl againt them...

    Proud Brazilian 21 Мар 2009, 08:29 - Report
  • @ proud shit

    did you read the links about brazil that i have send you ? what do you say about them ?

    i don't flee but unlike you i have a life. i life in west germany in a city with 30% immigrants. my girlfriend has never suffered from racist discrimination. and unlike people in brazil i don't need a gun.

    Alex 21 Мар 2009, 08:33 - Report
  • germany is shit

    i read the link,piece of shit! did you read those that i post?the indian was killed by rich youths,no neo-nazis.there is no neo-nazi in brazil,because all the people here are mixed race.
    what do you say about npd and its victories in recent years?
    and in all the web you find sites that say it is dangerous to stay in east germany if you look like foreing.if neo-nazi attack you and your chinese girlfriend,it is better you carry a gun! it is only a friend advice for you.or did you want you and your girlfrient get killed by npd supporters?

    Proud Brazilian 21 Мар 2009, 08:39 - Report
  • yeeeeeeeeeessssssssssss!germany is garbage!

    congratulations, dude! germany is garbage!

    mexican 22 Мар 2009, 01:21 - Report
  • wtf mexican dude!!

    yo soy mexicana y me encanta Alemania, te apuesto a que eres un pedazo de idiota, que ni sikiera sabe apreciar lo que es un buen panorama, has de estar a costumbrado a ver puro muerto de hambre en tu estado, se me hace que eres un idiota que ni sikiera ha ido a Alemania, mejor sigue comiendo tortillas con sal -.-

    Alex pls dont put atention on this mexican shit!!
    im mexican and im married with a german that's why i've been in germany for some months =)
    and for me, germany means more than a country =D

    alex this is my msn if you want to add me: [email removed]

    take care =)

    Mexican girL 22 Мар 2009, 02:13 - Report
  • argentina

    Me parece un desastre que haya gente que se refiera hacia otras personas como "muertos de hambre"ya que muchas de estas personas son victimas del sistema.
    Peor si estas personas son de origen latinoamericano,donde la pobreza abunda.La discriminación de sectores pudientes hacia personas de clase baja o directamente pobres es lo mismo o igual que lo que hacian los nazis en la segunda guerra mundial.
    Y así la cadena de discriminación no termina mas.
    Podria decir mas,pero mejor me callo.

    angie 22 Мар 2009, 02:46 - Report
  • argentina


    angie 22 Мар 2009, 02:59 - Report
  • hey,brazilian

    brazil?what is brazil?i did not know that brazil was existing.

    Proud German 22 Мар 2009, 05:33 - Report
  • to all ignorant germans

    see,below,this link about brazilian economy


    Proud Brazilian 23 Мар 2009, 09:04 - Report


    GERMAN 24 Мар 2009, 07:07 - Report
  • yes

    germany its a awfull place to live.whatever you go,the people is rude,racist,and they always scream at you!!!.the weather is cold all the time(the summer its very short)this place its a nightmare!!!!!!!!!!dont you ever move here!!!

    you dont know how hard its to live in here 24 Мар 2009, 08:12 - Report
  • german xD

    brazil is a "land" full of bananas =D

    german 2 24 Мар 2009, 10:37 - Report


    GERMANS ARE GARBAGE 24 Мар 2009, 11:03 - Report
  • inveja

    porque os alemães vivem em um pais frio e pequeno,e não se conformam de nós brasileiros vivermos em uma nação imensa e com um clima tropical maravilhoso como nosso brasil.

    jane 26 Мар 2009, 04:41 - Report
  • jane

    oh my sweety!!

    i think it's time for you banana =)

    german 2 26 Мар 2009, 09:42 - Report
  • german 2

    no,it is time for your ziclon b,fucking nazi white trash. you germans are nothingo more than a bunch of nazi-racist monsters!you dont deserve the air that you breath.
    go fuck yourself,pile of garbage.
    eu tenho nojo de alemães.quero que você vá para o inferno,porra!

    jana 26 Мар 2009, 09:51 - Report
  • brazilians

    who cares about what brazilians think?

    to me brazilians are annoying, always eating beans and rice and the annoying samba music shit and the really loud way of speaking.

    I simply don't like that culture at all.

    Greeting from Italy.

    Gianlucca 27 Мар 2009, 10:17 - Report
  • gianlucca,italian garbage

    in brazil there is more than 20.000.000 people with italian ancestry.show more respect ,motherfucker!if you have nothing worth to say,shut your mouth,pizza eater!

    jana 27 Мар 2009, 05:36 - Report
  • fakers ?

    Jana: I think you talk like "proud Brazilian". Why did you change your nick ? Isn't Jana a girl's name ?

    guest 27 Мар 2009, 06:55 - Report
  • brazilian shit

    guest: of course that proud brazilian did it!!

    hjahjahjajh xD and maybe i will take the ziklon b to brazil to finish with all the people like you

    german2 27 Мар 2009, 07:00 - Report
  • guest and german2

    i am not jana,motherfuckers!
    german2,aka alex,bring your ziclo b to us.when i talk that germans are still nazi, i am not lying. you are the proof,german2,that germans are a bunch of nazis.
    why dont you say that german is garbage,and go be happy? good human beings dont like a place like germany.only nazi-monsters can dare defend a shit country like that

    Proud Brazilan,the largest cock in the world(27 cm) 27 Мар 2009, 08:01 - Report
  • jana = proud brazilian

    Hey.... I'm not a faker as you are !! I don't make up other nicks. And I'm not a proud German. I don't like the way this German talks but you are worde. I think you might be a guy who dresses up like a girl sometimes and you wish to find a European boyfriend. Only because a German has rejected you you now hate Germany. Loser !!

    guest 27 Мар 2009, 09:05 - Report
  • proud brazilian

    brazil = bananas pure paradise
    brazil = poor people living in favelas
    brazil = the banana land where Proud brazilian

    guest: i didnt have another choice

    german 2 28 Мар 2009, 01:52 - Report
  • Brazilian

    Is happiness in the air in your house as well ? If yes why are you so angry and aggressive ? Only because you are poor ? :P

    guest 28 Мар 2009, 04:51 - Report
  • guest

    he's angry and aggressive, because he doesnt have anything to eat for dinner=D

    german 2 28 Мар 2009, 06:08 - Report
  • german 2 and guest,aka alex

    i have more money than you,poor illeterate white trash.do you think that all people in brazil are poor and are starving?and i thought that germans was inteligents...
    if all germans are like you ,then germany is one of the dumbest countries in the world.

    Proud Brazilian 28 Мар 2009, 06:46 - Report
  • Brazilian

    I'm not illitarate because then I couldn't write to you. Before I met you I also thought that Brazilians were intelligent and educated people. If all Brazilians are like you Brazil is the dumbest country on earth.

    guest 29 Мар 2009, 12:27 - Report
  • germans feel envy

    germans envy brazil ,france and whatever country that enjoy the life and has happyness for stay alive.
    germans envy jews,latinos and other people in the world.

    french man 02 Апр 2009, 08:53 - Report
  • Stupid Argument

    This is a stupid discussion.

    MMM 10 Апр 2009, 07:00 - Report


    GERMANS?ARRGGGGGGHHHHHHH 19 Апр 2009, 09:23 - Report
  • i know why

    because german people arree very prejudiced, they dont like even european of south, imagine like the mix of races in brasil, everyone foringers who goes to brasil fall in love, german and your people are a sick and could country!!

    Nacionalista BR! 19 Апр 2009, 09:32 - Report

    Im a Germans!!
    and I like very much the Brazilian people!

    For me is the best country!!

    I love it!

    Sylvia 19 Апр 2009, 09:44 - Report
  • Patria amada

    after a readed such a stupid thinks about brazil and germany, i think both people that are having this discussion have problem, i dont care about germany, if they like or dislike are their problems, brasi has many cultures including germany japaneses, afrikan people, brasil has a big herht to all peoples!! and we are happy in south america far from europe

    Son of BR! 19 Апр 2009, 09:51 - Report
  • brazilians are lazy monkeys.i dislike them

    gosh!brazilians are only monkeys,and nothing more.there is no human being in brazil,only monkeys.

    14/88 19 Апр 2009, 10:20 - Report
  • idiots

    Os proprios Brasileiros é que estão se fingindo de alemães, pra falar mal do Brasil,não percam tempo com esses idiotas.

    O fato é que no Brasil nos temos 12 milhões de alemães. (we have 5-12 million Germans in Brazil)



    German Brazilian 19 Апр 2009, 11:14 - Report
  • Advice

    This is ridiculous. The guy how create this topic just want to spread hate among germans by brazilians. People noticed that this guy have mental problems.

    See this link:


    He thinks that brazilians in this topic would matter with the responses about his ofensive words. So with all explained, END OF TOPIC...

    ps: you notice that "Brazilian Proud" is "P" on the orkut forum.

    Nemesis Brasil 19 Апр 2009, 11:49 - Report
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