to all those who have complained about germans

  • well you know , i do not think they are stiff , they are even better than other people who live in other countries , i have been to england , and i do not think people there are soo nice that i can say , i have been to netherland too and i have found the same and to all those who complain on being in germany , well you all just have once chance , go away of germany , what do you do in a country which you do not feel good , that is their culture not everybody is perfect and first go and take a look what you all have for culture and then critisize , i do not think all the people in everybody´s country are so perfect , if so why don´t you stay there , go and live in france to see if the people are so nice , i love germans and they are nice people even many idiots here complain of their attitude , just lok at themself and if you have that kind of attitude here by saying f***ing country i don´t wanna think how you character would be like , so to all germans if you see comments here from people who speak bullshits about you , don´t worry because they cannot blabber since they must check out themselves first .

    15 Апр 2006, 06:50 Anonymous
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