
  • i have been 2 months now in germany.married but cannot understand the language well. and i just got part time job in a resturant and i want to open an account. and my husband is insisting that i should have a joint account with him i do not know if this is possible.

    26 Июн 2009, 11:39 laura
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  • Hi Laura,

    .. definitely, it´s possible. I´ve a joint account wiv my girl friend. She has a Portuguese passport and i have a dutch one. We had no problems to open an account. This account we use for setting apart some money.
    U need no national insurance number.For example, in the Netherlands u need a "Sofi-number".

    Why u don´t go wiv ya husband to a bank?


    flyindutch 26 Июн 2009, 03:00 - Report
  • hi flzindutch

    thanks a lot does it mean that you have just a joint account or there is another accout for transactional motives. waiting
    take care

    laure 29 Июн 2009, 03:42 - Report
  • problem

    my problem is that I don't know my husband very well. we can only speak english at home, he doesn't speak spanish. he is unemployed and I am no sure if he wants a joint account just in order to overtake my money. do I have to agree to take a joint account? what happens if I won't?

    laura 29 Июн 2009, 04:20 - Report
  • Take care

    hola Laura,

    concering the defintion: A joint account (Ger.: Gemeinschaftskonto) is an account who every owner has the possibility to look in or withdraw.

    I´ve not the position to judge about your relationship but I think better and saver for u to negate such a joint account. Because u have asked such a question it seems to me that there is no fundamental trust in ya relationship. Please think twice!!! And please....decide in ya mind to stay happy!!!!

    What do u mean wiv ya question "what happen if I won´t?"


    flyindutch 29 Июн 2009, 05:50 - Report
  • hu

    Hi Adeus,the thing is this ,i just got a job yesterday and i was ask to present an account .since i do not have a ccount yet and i do not speak german i had to call him to meet my manager he immidiately gave his account number. not that i do not like the idea but i am affraid i wount have acces to that account since only one credit card is being issued. i do not know if i refuse it legally wrong,cos in our married certificate it is written there joint propert.

    laura 01 Июл 2009, 10:00 - Report
  • I don´t understand

    how this girl had chosen to get marriage(a very important thing in life) with a man which don´t Knew to live in a country without speaking the lenguaje.

    Francois 01 Июл 2009, 01:49 - Report
  • Adeus

    "Hi Adeus,..."

    - You speak really spanish?

    It is Portuguese and mean "adiós". blunk

    Armando 01 Июл 2009, 07:05 - Report
  • Hi Adeus!

    Looks like Laura isn't the smartest cookie on earth, but she does have an husband, a job and lives in a foreign country! blunk

    mauri 01 Июл 2009, 07:31 - Report
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