c,mon you lot!!

  • I don't think Germans are that bad!!! they have the same social problems as anywhere else!! Skinheads staring at you in the morning??? thats normal in England too!! over 40% of British men don't know what to do with thier hair and therefore, shave it all off.

    i've lived in Holland and Germany, and whilst i have absolutley no problem with America, you Yanks pointblank refuse to speak the native language (or even try!!!) even if you fully understand it!! That mind-set is going to get thier backs up. If your in thier country, then try to respect thier customs. Even if you don't speak German, try?? In my experience they will either polietly correct you or start speaking english anyway but respect you for trying.

    as for Germany's neo-nazis, we have the national front and the BNP, but no-one takes them seriously. I think the world learned its lesson last time fascism got brave and we all had to sort it!!!

    pro-europe brit! 30 Май 2009, 01:14 - Report
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germany sucks

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