Are we Africans honest in our day to day activities?

  • I am an African, I live in Germany and I am married to a German woman, so I think I stand a better chance to speak on this issue. The truth of the matter is based on the fact that Africans in general are not honest in everything they do. Inter Racial Marriages/Relationships are rampant in Germany, the issue or Racism has been reduced the lowest level, this is not to say Racism has been completely eradicated in Germany. African men have for a long time taken German women for a fool, how many of the African men are sincere about their marriages to German women? To the best of my knowledge, I honestly don´t see anything wrong with German women, they are beautiful and educated. I think we Africans need to inculcate honesty in our day to day activities. The question I would like to ask my fellow Africans is, what is the motive behind marrying a German woman? Is the answer different from getting papers to live in Germany? There is nothing wrong in marrying a white woman as long as it is based on true love and honesty.
    African leaders are corrupt at home, their children are also corrupt abroad, how do you expect to be treated and trusted in a foreign land?
    At this juncture, I implore every African to do as Christ cammands, let us work and act in conformity with God´s injunction. Let us emulate Jesus Christ and always remember the sons and daughters of whom we are by doing the right thing at any point in time.

    Mr Justice 28 Май 2009, 03:18 - Report
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Dating German women

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