I'M looking for a caregiver jobs in Bern, Switzerland

  • 02 MAY 2009

    I'm Beenruth Llanera a Filipina. I'm 27 years old just married to a Swiss here in Switzerland.Ich habe meine Aufenthaltsbewilligung B.

    I worked as a caretaker for 2 years in Taiwan. I'm looking for a job in a hotel, restaurant or any establishments especially in Caregiver in Switzerland. I finished a short term caregiver course (7mos). I was trained in hospitals and Home for the old institution of several months.

    I do have experienced in restaurant service. I speak well English and Mandarin Chinese. I have enrolled in German classes.

    Any guidance towards employment is appreciated. God bless, and please contact me at [email removed]

    Beenruth Llanera
    02May 2009

    Beenruth LlaneraKamel 02 Maj 2009, 02:34 - Zgłoś nadużycie
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looking for job

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