what are my rights?

  • Dear Sir.
    I have a very complicated problem,people adivised me to contact with FOM with this such kind of complicacy.
    I married to a Swiss Woman, she is a philipine.We had live together about for 2 and half year. it was because of the job change and distant location, I have been living in a different place. But we had our life together well.6 months ago,I came to know that she is having an affair with an another person, and now she denies me to live together, and she is already pregnent.By the time I wanted to visit my country and applied for visa and I had given the pressent resident address.Now the Alien police have inquireed me why we were living separately as they saw that my living addres is different from the one i have given at the time of our marriage and they have not yet given me back my Resident permit(B) now and inquirring about my marriage problem.I had a return visa and came back here and still they have not yet given me back my Permit, now the renewal date is also expired, and I am very worried what may happen to me, what will be the status.She wants me to divorce her and to marry the one she is having the baby of, even I dont want her anymore.I want to live quietely and in peace.But The alien police haven't decided about me yet and i am now in a very tensed and dilema situatioin.I dont know what to do now, wher to seek help, and how can i get help.I need to know what are my Rights in such certain situation, What Can I do to get back my Permit cause without that I am no one. Its been almost four yrs here in switzerland.I am self employed and running my life with good social activities, and my record is excellent here.It would be very very helpful i can know what will be my status at this situation or how can i get back my permit.Under swiss law what are my rights, how can i convince my loyality here.I would be most grateful If Someone can help me out from sucj problem. Thanks.

    14 Mar 2005, 01:49 Anonymous
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