Niederlassungserlaubnis (Permanent residence permit) rules

  • Hello,

    I have been working as an Engineer in Germany since Sept. 1, 2005. However, I had many jobs in seperate intervals of time. 09.05-03.06 (7 months) then 06.06-09.06 (4 months) then 01.07-present. Throughout these jobs, I had limited residence permits (Aufenthaltserlaubnis).
    In order to obtain a permanent residence permit (Niederlassungserlaubnis), I need to have worked 5 years in Germany. Will my work in the past 2 years be counted for the Niederlassungserlaubnis? Or should the work be consecutive for 5 years?

    01 Lut 2007, 05:04 Anonymous
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  • No Problem

    They just count that whether u paid social taxes for 60 months. So no problem if u changed the jobs in between.

    anony 08 Mar 2007, 07:46 - Zgłoś nadużycie
  • Editor of

    Almost. You must have been living in Germany for 5 consequtive years, paid all taxes, social security dues, speak at least simple German. If you want professional help contact me: [email removed]

    Alexander 16 Mar 2007, 07:27 - Zgłoś nadużycie
  • Niederlassungserlaubnis

    I have been staying in Germany since May 2001. I did my master thesis in between May 2001 toMarch 2002. Afterwards, I have been working as a research engineer in a univertisty towards getting my PHD since 18th April 2002. Now, Im almost finished my PHD. Recently I have selected for a Job in Germany and it will start from June 2007. So, i would like to know, is it possible to get a permanent residence permit (Niederlassungserlaubnis)for me. if possible when can i apply for permanent residence permit (Niederlassungserlaubnis)

    Im paying all taxes since 18th april 2002 and i can speak and write German Language with out much problem.

    Waiting for your kind reply

    Thanks a lot
    your friend

    Your Friend 23 Mar 2007, 02:46 - Zgłoś nadużycie
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