Hello pls i need help and advise

  • My name is charles and am from nigeria, i am married with a romania citizen. she as gotten a job in the UK for the past 2-3 weeks but waitting for me so we can both go together to start work and new life there.
    We going to the UK embassy next week and we have filled the form for EEA FAMILY permit for a year but am scared because i wrote there i get some supports from my family and maybe they might not give me cus of that. But i also got some interviews for jobs and some letter comfirming they will get me a job when i get to the uk, I just want to know if i should re-fill the form or just go like that?
    someone should help me fast with what i should do and the things i need to take along to the embassy.
    [email removed]

    Charles 01 jun 2008, 03:35 - Rapporteer misbruik
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