je cherche un emploi qalifie en europe .

  • je suis marocaine agee de 28 ans j ai un diplome d infirmier auxilaire je cherche un emploi qalifie en europe :

    Miss Assmaa BAHAE
    Date of birth: 13/07/1980
    9, Jamila 7 Rue 13 CD
    20440 Casablanca
    Email : [email removed]
    Mobile : +2126.


    2005 : Auxiliary Nurse diploma.
    2002 : Bachelor’s degree Level in Experimental Sciences.


    •From 04/07/2006 until now: working within the AYNI association as a children’s educator and working as a health education nurse in the pediatric ophthalmology service at the August 20 Hospital in casablanca.
    •06/12/2008: participation in the Autumn Journey of Ophtalmology as a Hostess.
    •From 12/06/2008 to 14/06/2008 : participation in the ХХІІnd National Congress of Ophthalmology as a hostess.
    •From 20/06/2007 to 25/06/2007 : participation in the international AFRO-ASIATIC congress of Ophtalmology as a hostess.
    •from 01/10/2005 to 01/07/2006 : volunteer training within the Mohamed El-Bouwafi hospital at the emergency service.
    •from 04/03/2005 to 12/09/2005 : course in the Mohamed El-bouwafi hospital in the following services (Emergency ; Surgery ; Maternity block; Pediatrics).
    •from 14/03/2004 to 29/12/2004 : course in the CNSS clinical in the following services (Maternity / nursery ; Surgery / medicine ; Orthopedics ; Orthopedics / trauma).


    ● Office software : Word, Excel, PowerPoint.


    •ARABIC : Mother Tongue.
    •FRENSH : Good.
    •ENGLISH : Good.


    • Reading, Traveling, Sport, Internet, cooking, animal breeding.

    BAHAE ASSMAA 03 apr 2009, 02:34 - Rapporteer misbruik
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