U.S. Permanent Resident applying for Schengen Visa

  • Hi everybody,
    I am US Permanent Resident living in the US foe about 11 years and I am originally from Colombia. I just applied for the Schengen Visa to visit my girlfriend's home country to meet her family and friends in Holland. It appears (and I understand why) that the application will take up to 3 weeks because of my Colombian nationality. Does anybody has any insights or experiences getting the Schengen Visa? I did present all the documentation required by the Dutch Consulate, but they say thay have to send the application to Holland, Why? I bought the ticket already and I would like to know what they look for in the application. Does my US Permanent Resident status have any positive influence on the decision?

    09 jan 2008, 09:26 JC
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  • U.S. Permanent Resident applying for Schengen Visa

    Dear JC,

    Unfortunately they don't really care very much about your US residence. The only thing the civil servents in The Hague will look at is your nationality.Unless you are considered a citizen of a first world nation the Dutch immigration will treat you with abseloute discrimination. This is while dutch nationals can roam freely in your beautiful native Colombia without any immigration hassles. Its time someone retured the favour made them wait 3 weeks for a tourist visa!!

    Enjoy your visit.

    NN 24 jan 2008, 08:46 - Rapporteer misbruik
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