germany sucks
it is over, Germany is full with nazis, and the east germany sucks.
It is ugly (not all), dirty and the ppl always sad... (not everybody but a 95% YESSSS)
i cant understand them, why can´t they enjoy the life???
Sorry but germany sucks.11 mrt 2007, 02:10 new york man
You are gay???iam her the only American the hate not germany!?
Stuart 01 mrt 2009, 08:09 - Rapporteer misbruik -
Ich liebe Amerika wieso hassen die uns dann???
Thomas 01 mrt 2009, 08:11 - Rapporteer misbruik -
Nie zufiredene deutsche gebildete(lach) Sackratten!
Deutsche sind keine Bietrinker und Wurstfresser und heißen auch nicht Hans. NICHT MEHR.
Aber Deutsche sind heute Egomanen, Geldsüchtige und neidische, nie zufriedene Sackratten mit dämlichen Namen wie Justin und Sandy.Dummer Johan Wolfgang von Klöte 01 mrt 2009, 08:12 - Rapporteer misbruik -
i Comes from Croatia the Americans the Nazis, germany is cool!Why you are not why the British People ,the and Germany are good Friends!
Adolf Obama,Barack Hitler 01 mrt 2009, 08:15 - Rapporteer misbruik -
germany sucks
i hate it and i've always hated it.
i wish it doesn't exist.
yeah.the hater 01 mrt 2009, 11:16 - Rapporteer misbruik -
germany is a country of murderes
it is the real true! germans are all false and liars! stay away from brazil,germans! you are not welcomed here!
Brazilian 02 mrt 2009, 12:22 - Rapporteer misbruik -
germany is hell
sad ppl,depresseds,lonely, i feel sorry for them all!
taxi driver 02 mrt 2009, 04:57 - Rapporteer misbruik -
New Zealand has too many german hippies, boring old guys with beards who want to crack onto chicks 30 years younger than them because they think they are european gurus. Hey man germany is so uptight and uncool and full of nazis - but everything else there is better than stupid NZ! The old bastards should fuck off back there.
Mick 02 mrt 2009, 10:56 - Rapporteer misbruik -
oh mick
hahahahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahhahahaa,you are really funny,hahahahahahahahhahahaaaa.i know is sad but true....
k 03 mrt 2009, 08:48 - Rapporteer misbruik -
Ameirca SUCKS !
I agree with the people who said America sucks, I've lived here for 2 yrs now.. and no matter what part i go to. It SUCKS! and they are rude people who hate life, and they think their country is the best, which it isnt. Its full of sadness, hate, and anything negative you can think of. Its been rare that I've come across with a American thats been actually nice and have nothing against other people from other countries, I think they are all selfish!
itrue 03 mrt 2009, 10:45 - Rapporteer misbruik -
berliner idiots
I lived in Kiel before and the people were fine but I moved to Berlin last year. The ordinary Berliner people are hostile and ugly arseholes. I never saw so many ugly people in all my life. I think this must be where the human ugly gene comes from. The bus drivers are very bad like they have a permanent hangover. But some passengers have been stabbing them in the head recently so maybe the will be a bit happier in future. The best thing is that everything in Berlin is 'einmal'. You buy a bus ticket, 'einmalbitte', a bread roll 'einmalbitte', a beer 'einmalbitte'. Even if there are 20 sorts of beer, this works every time. Morons.
thomas 04 mrt 2009, 12:53 - Rapporteer misbruik -
Germany is an extremely ugly and soulless european country ....and it's people too
Berlin is one of the worst cities on earth.
I lived in different towns in Germany. Berlin is very ugly with 90% unfriendly life-hating people.
But Munich is one extremely psychopatic shithole too. You can't believe how fucked-up Munich mentality really is; bomb Munich and it's people!! Then there is Essen which is just fucked up, ugly Turks and Germans everywhere; with Dortmund, Bochum, Kassel and Frankfurt it's just the same. All shitty places that should not exist on earth. Filled with German sad scum faces. It is not a matter of America being what it is. THIS thread is ABOUT GERMANY!!!
Germany is one ugly motherfucking shit-country with sad people, guys. If America is bad, so be it...but Germany is truly, truly one piece of shit. America being bad does not mean that Germany now is isn't. Germans are greedy morons who can't stand their own country and that's why they always have to travel to other countries. Because they hate their society and it's people.
Germany is worthless and a sad, depressed control-state with a very ugly european and embittered sad population.Lennard 04 mrt 2009, 12:49 - Rapporteer misbruik -
be careful, what you said means you are an ugly bastard as well..
gerd 04 mrt 2009, 02:45 - Rapporteer misbruik -
maybe...but I write what I wanted to say...
I don't need to be careful. Call me what you want..doesn't change that Germany is shit.
When you are a non-drinker or alcoholic in a hospital full of alcoholics you can say that this place is really full of sick and alcohol-addicted people. Maybe you are one of them but don't befool yourself into saying that you are in paradise there. You are not. You are surrounded by addicts. That's what I said above. Maybe I am an ugly european but Germany is one sick control-state with many sad people.
That's it.Lennard 04 mrt 2009, 06:24 - Rapporteer misbruik -
germany and germens are pieces of shit
germany is the worst country in the face of earth! there is no place worst than germany!if germany and germans never existed ,the wordl would be a better place to live! ,germen scum! you are nothing!latino 04 mrt 2009, 08:19 - Rapporteer misbruik -
yes lennard,latino,i agree
im french,and this place its awfull,full of hate,they cant enjoy life,depressiv.france have many troubles too,and stupid people,but here its just too much,like hell!!!!
DUPONT 04 mrt 2009, 08:29 - Rapporteer misbruik -
germany is becoming more and more like the U.S.
I live in west-germany and am half american, half german. I know both countries and cultures very well!
if you visit germany for the first time I wouldn't recommend going to the east. that's where the cliche comes from that germans are unhappy and grumpy people.
generaly they are NOT bad people and neither are americans. ..and to everyone who says that germans or americans are stupid: that's racism coming from YOU!
the sad thing is we will never live in a world without prejudices because there will always be a huge percent of idiots all over this world who just don't get it..Mike 05 mrt 2009, 12:53 - Rapporteer misbruik -
I go to Brandenburg 1-2 days every week for business, since 2004. It confirms my belief about german society. Ordinary Germans tend to have slightly childish personalities. That means they avoid responsibility, blame others when something goes wrong, quickly feel under attack, are frightened to initiate anything in case they make a mistake, have simple and narrow ideas about how people should present themselves - the best presentation style is to be almost invisible. It's the same with the criminal justice system: even when someone is convicted of a crime, the media cannot normally print his surname, because it might hurt his poor feelings. This all means that in other countries I find most people are friendly and reasonable at first, later some might turn out to be arseholes. In Germany: people are arseholes first, then later some might turn out to be friendly and reasonable.
Frank 05 mrt 2009, 12:25 - Rapporteer misbruik -
poor stupid @Lennard!
The film SPIELZEUGLAND won an Oscar
The sweet little guy playing in it is of turkish descent and is neither ugly nor like the people you saw in Essen
He looks extremely european (he could be british or something)
His name is Tamay Oezvatan
This is JUST ONE example for nice Turks!Cem D 05 mrt 2009, 12:30 - Rapporteer misbruik -
Germany sucks...
See. It is good that this film exists. I am telling my experiences and I don't deny others'. I don't tell anybody you are stupid because you love Germans or the opposite. I flatout tell my story here. That's all. When you like Turks it's best to go to Turkey and find them all together. Why search for French people in Romania; instead go to France; why praise Turks in Germany; go to Turkey instead and meet the real Turks not some fucked-up German-Franchise-Turks.
That's all. Live in shitty, ugly Essen for 10 years and then live in Konya for ten years and you will know what I mean. Meet Turks and leave Germany. Now!Lennard 05 mrt 2009, 03:01 - Rapporteer misbruik -
Germany sucks
Hello every one, most of my childhood friends were "Germans" ..My german friends were the only ones who understood and acepted me and didn't care of my race and nationalitY ..I always like Germans and i dreamed of marrying a German , i usually dated German men ..Many Americans thought i was crazy they remind me about hitler and the nazis and i was asked why i like those damn , nazi , germans ( their words not mine).I explain to them that evil comes in all forms , colors and nationalities ..Racism exist every where in these world , some people are much hiprocrites than others , what i mean is that some shows their true colors more then others.I love America very much , but there is alot of hiprocrits ,lots of back stabbers and racist people .Germans show their true colors and most Americans don't .I rather know who hates me then founding out later on..Some Americans pretend to like you ,it is just a mask, they don't show their true colors and that is much more scarry ..I met good Germans , i have German best friends and i also dated German men.What i didn't like about German men their lack of sense of humor and they were not toooo romantic " that sucks" overall i was treated better by them then the American men i dated..Sure, there lots of nazis in Germany but there alots of nazis and kkk in America ..Some Americans are very friendly and kind but racism still much exist here , is not over yet..No offense to American men , i rather marry a German men the ones i dated seem to be much more open minded then America men..Lots of people in the world hates Germans because of what they did to the jews and the world .I was one of those ignorant person who was told by society and media that all Germans were racist and nazis , i was afraid of them when i was a child to me they (Germans) were the booogy men .Meeting my Germans friends open my eyes that not every one is desame.By the way Boris Becker he is not racist , he did recieved death threats by neo-nazis for marrying a mixed women they had to flee the country. I love German men like Boris Becker , cute , kind , open minded , educated and not racist , yes it exist .I will find the German men of my dreams some day , he is out there.Ignorance makes this world a horrible place to live at , not every one is desame , can't judge every one ..Every human being deserves a chance , forgiveness and love are the best things.By the way i am a cute , exotic, brown skin , women..God Bless
poypoy 06 mrt 2009, 04:24 - Rapporteer misbruik -
i meant germans don't suck
My African American friend lived in Germany for 3 years and she loved it , her husband was stationed there.My friend wants to go back she had a great time and she said the people were kind to her .My dad lived in Germany for 25 years and loved it , he got along with Germans and even married a German women , he is of polynesian , asian and moorish ancestry with light brown skin. My point is there are good and evil people in these world.Peace
poypoy 06 mrt 2009, 05:15 - Rapporteer misbruik -
How far does you interest in German men really go? Would you be prepared to REVOKE YOUR US CITIZENSHIP? That's what you have to do if you want a German passport. That would mean you would need to get a tourist visa to visit the US. Otherwise, you have to get your German visa renewed regularly, and cannot leave Germany for long periods. If you have children, they have to decide by their 23rd birthday if they want to be Germans or US citizens - you can't have both.
Greg 06 mrt 2009, 01:15 - Rapporteer misbruik -
I am of turkısh descent.
If you were able to speak german,I would advıse you to read what I wrote about Turks ın Germany ın general ON PAGE 10.
Belıeve me---I am also not a fan of them.
But thıs does not mean that every Turk ın Germany ıs lıke those ıdıots whıch you descrıbed.
I am ın Istanbul at the moment.Turks over here are very modern.
By the way,Hılary Clınton arrıved ın Turkey today.She took part on a TV-show whıch ıs very sımılor to that one ın the US,hosted by Whoopıe Goldberg and a few other women.
I am sure that ın a few days you wıll be able to watch ıt on Youtube.
Look at the women who host the show and take a look at the women ın the audıence.
Maybe then you wıll understand that your braın ıs full of prejudıces.
And DO NOT tell me to leave Germany.
I was born ın Germany,I have a german passport and I lıke the country.
If there ıs anybody,who should leave the country,ıt ıs YOU.
Instead of you,I lıke Germany and the Germans.
I am a German of turkısh descent.
So,come on,leave my country.Cem Dönmez 07 mrt 2009, 05:28 - Rapporteer misbruik -
And do not waste your tıme by wrıtıng an answer to me.
I wıll not read ıt.
I do not know,why I already wrote so much ın thıs thread,whıch seems to be a meetıng-place for low-educated people.
Thank God,I met very nıce Amerıcans when I was ın New York last year.
Otherwıse I would have a wrong ımpressıon of your country.
That ıs all I have to say.Goodbye to everyone--Cem Dönmez 07 mrt 2009, 07:35 - Rapporteer misbruik -
I was really shocked when reading so many phrases full of hate.
I like the Germans.shocked man 08 mrt 2009, 03:04 - Rapporteer misbruik -
As a German I find most of the messages here are constructive criticism, not hate. Unlike many of my feeble countrymen and women who begin whining and screaming for revenge when they see simple and obvious shortcomings in this country, I am strong enough to take it. "We have suffered enough, oh God how we the German people have suffered, all wrong, all too much, oh God, please let us alone!" is their masochistic cry of pleasure. I suggest they sign on for Hartz 4 and spend their days on the sofa watching TV shopping channels. I am glad to have some of my tax spent on this, and it would make for a lot less whining, pathetic idiots in German workplaces, streets, bars etc.
Gerhard 09 mrt 2009, 04:51 - Rapporteer misbruik -
Go away Turk.
Go away Turkish ass. Cem is a shit-name.
hairyman 10 mrt 2009, 12:50 - Rapporteer misbruik -
I don't understand what's going on here
First of all, please forgive me my bad English. I have no talent for other languages, I am more a freak in higher mathematics and other stuff.
I had to read here a lot of things like "germans are not enjoying life", or "all Germans are Nazis or racists" and so on, and so on.
I live in Freiburg, in the south-west of Germany. Its a very nice town in the Black Forest. Freiburg has a very good and old university (older than 550 years).
You never will find any nazi or other racist assholes here. Far from it, you can find here a very liberal, a little bit crazy (in a positive context) society which is open for other cultures. You will find people who are really enjoying their life, who are not sad or offish. And thats why I love my country and why I never could leave Germany. I would miss this nice people, my friends, the montains and the landscapes of the black forest, the culture...
I am very proud of the german culture (Johann Sebastian Bach, Goethe, Schiller etc...) and german inventions. We are the land of the Poet and Thinkers. We have wondeful citys with a great history. I am also proud of my ancestry and the history of my family, which started in 1284.
Germany is the most economical power in europe, and we will hold this position in the future, doutblessly.
Before Germany will go under, the United States, the UK and other european countries will cease to exist. I know what I am talking about. I studied political economics for more than 5 years (Master of Science). I know the economical key figures.the happy german 11 mrt 2009, 12:43 - Rapporteer misbruik -
hahaha Freiburg is a boring dump full of conservative assholes and wichser students..and home to the infamous nazi philosopher Heidigger. No wonder you are a happy German.
Gerhard 11 mrt 2009, 06:08 - Rapporteer misbruik -
american scum
haha you american idiots need you get your head out your assholes
faggots 11 mrt 2009, 09:12 - Rapporteer misbruik -
american scum
anyone ever heard of the kkk? rednecks? lynchings? You guys gave civil rights to the blacks how many years ago? and whats this shit about Germans thinking their world saviours? What about Iraq? Vietnam? Gulf wars? you goddamn americans hypocrites think that you are the police of the world...
faggots 11 mrt 2009, 09:18 - Rapporteer misbruik -
mexican beaner
and what the fuck? since when did the germans or in fact anyone started to mass emigrate to that shithole brazil? lol
goddamn brazilians 11 mrt 2009, 09:20 - Rapporteer misbruik -
@ Gerhard
Ich nehme an du bist Deutscher oder verstehst zumindest deutsch? Ich frage mich, wo du hier konservative Arschlöcher gesehen haben willst. Die meisten hier sind ziemlich alternativ unterwegs. Freiburg ist nicht umsonst die Solar-Haupstadt Deutschlands, oder hat als erste deutsche Großstadt einen grünen Bürgermeister.
Ich bin übrigens in Baden-Baden geboren und aufgewachsen. DAS ist eine wirklich konservative Stadt, verglichen mit Freiburg...the happy german 11 mrt 2009, 09:30 - Rapporteer misbruik -
@ Proud Brazilian
Don't worry. I never would move to Brazil for a longer period. I never could live in country which such a corrupt police, and which such a hihg crime rate. 55 000 homicides every year. No, thank you!
I think, it's better to stay in a rich and secure country with a highly developed infrastructure like Germany.
Don't be envious about our hihg prosperity.the happy german 12 mrt 2009, 03:06 - Rapporteer misbruik -
brazil is more rich than your fucking nazi-germany,loser! here kids dont kill others kids in schools,like in your damned germany! stay in your "human"machines country,i have nothing against you,since you NEVER TOUCH YOUR FEET IN BRAZIL! we brazilians dislike germans! i puke when i see a fucking german in my country! never come to brazil,fucking nazi!stay in shit-land(germany)and i will wish good luck for you!
try be happy in your hell-country,if you can!Proud Brazilian 12 mrt 2009, 05:27 - Rapporteer misbruik -
@ Proud Brazilian
How many street-kids are killed in your slums day for day, my brazilian friend?
Have you ever been in Germany? I mean western Germany, the east really sucks, and yes, there are some fucking nazis. But you will never find nazis, racists or sad people where I live. We are a multicultural society with people from all over the world. There is no xenophobia. No racist skinheads. I saw the last nazi in 2002, with a broken nose by my fist.
So, come down and stop telling lies about Germany.
BTW: Once, I was in Brazil, but that's 10 years ago (when I was 13). Nice country and nice people, but a lot of indescribable pourness, a lot of crime and corrupt police.
No, I never could live there. And I would miss the wonderful landscape of my homeland.the happy german 12 mrt 2009, 06:51 - Rapporteer misbruik -
happy german
ok, "happy german". if is true that you broke a nazi nose with your fist,you are not a bad person.if you hate nazis,leave germany,before the IV reich begins.people that hates nazis and racists like you need a more healty enviroment, in another country.
Proud Brazilian 12 mrt 2009, 07:33 - Rapporteer misbruik -
@ Proud Brazilian
Will I disappoint you, when I say, that we REALY have just a few Nazis in Germany? Not more than in other countries like the US, Sweden, GB or Russia? Real nazis who became criminal are very strict hunted by the german police and the judiciary. For this assholes, we have a no-tolerance-politic here in Germany. They are absolutly ostrazied by the society.
I repeat: We have some stupid nazis in eastern germany. But the highest quote in the worst important nazi-centers in the east was never higher than 18, 19 percent.
And everywhere the damned Nazis are having a demonstration, there are normaly just 100-200 people in their ranks. But there is ever a counter-demonstration with thousends of people against this assholes.
BTW: The last election in Germany was in 2005. The NPD (german radical-right-party) were elected by just 1.6 percent of the eligible voters.
We will never have a IV. Empire here in Germany.the happy german 12 mrt 2009, 11:09 - Rapporteer misbruik -
its funny
but you know,money dont make happyness.your germany its rich,sure,but the people so saaddd!!!.boring,racist,stupid,old fashion,depressiv,god,what a piece of shit!.brazil can be poor,but they are happy every single day,with sun,beaches,great music,loving you have that in germany??????noo wayyyy
trixie 13 mrt 2009, 11:42 - Rapporteer misbruik -
@ Trixie
Simple question, simple answer: Of course we have that in Germany. I am the best example for a happy, fun-loving german boy. Well, maybe not at the moment, because I lost my mom and grandma in the last 6 months, but I am a very optimistic guy.
Some of the worlds best fashion desinger are living and working in Germany. We have a very rich culture, germans love visiting concerts, theatre and cabaret. I originate from a real artistically family. My mother was a journalist, but also writer of books, poems and radio plays (especially for kids). My grandfather was stage director at the german television but mainly composer for film-music. He also had his owne Jazzband.
And of course we have sunny beaches in Germany. And very hot summers. Where I am living (deep south-west Germany) we have very often temperatures about more than 40 °C in July and August.
I could tell you a lot of things more, but I have to go to bed (it's nearly 1.00 AM here in Germany, and I must be fit for some student partys tomorrow
Wish you a nice evening in sunny Brazil (we still have a little bit winter, but the springtime is cooming soon)the happy german 14 mrt 2009, 12:31 - Rapporteer misbruik -
trixie and happy german
brazil is not africa. here are a lot of rich people,good transportation and industries. one of the bigger aircraft factore in the world is brazilian(embraer) there is too a lot of factores of guns,tanks,small arms,civilian cars and much more.
brazil is not cuba,that lives only with sun and beachs.brazil is a industrial coutry,and one of the emergent nations with china and india!
soon we will defeat germany in the economy,like china already did.Proud Brazilian 14 mrt 2009, 03:10 - Rapporteer misbruik -
trixie and happy german
this vision that brazil is only sun and beachs is dead!everybody that see statistics know that brazil is a great economy between the countries of the world
Proud Brazilian 14 mrt 2009, 03:15 - Rapporteer misbruik -
Geil...das german bashing nimmt neue dimensionen an, eigentlich kann man dazu schon gar nichts mehr sagen...
ach übrigens das mit den dichtern und denkern war vor 200 jahren, heute sinds mehr so die nichtdenkenden dichten (wobei ich da manchmal auch dazugehöre) ,ansonsten ganz normaler trend!
Rulaman 14 mrt 2009, 05:25 - Rapporteer misbruik -
@ Proud Brazilian
Of course, Brazilian has been developed in the last years, but I don't think, that it will be easy to defeat germany in economy. And China has a lot of problems.
BTW: I know the statistics and economical key figures. I studied political economics (Master of Science)the happy german 14 mrt 2009, 09:36 - Rapporteer misbruik -
happy german
since second world war brazil have been grown in economy. we have a population of 200.000.000 people(number 5 in the world) and a territory of 8.511.000 square km. our gnp is 2 trilhions of dollars, the number 8 economy in the world. in less than 20 years we will left germany behind in economy.
Proud Brazilian 14 mrt 2009, 09:25 - Rapporteer misbruik -
Stay at home
I´m german and I like to live here.
It´s so easy. If you don´t like germans or germany stay in your native country.Deutschland 14 mrt 2009, 11:58 - Rapporteer misbruik -
I bet the parents of the Turkish girls that sadistic murdering asshole nazi bastard Tim K. shot in the head last week wished they had stayed in their own country. Life for him was "so easy" in Germany, what was his problem? The same with that kid in Erfurt. Germany is a rich country, with social welfare for anyone who needs it but apparently some people are never satisfied until they control or destroy others' lives.
Gerhard 15 mrt 2009, 11:27 - Rapporteer misbruik -
A Sad Country
I have been living in Western Germany for a year and a half. I have a great job and a good salary. Before Germany, I have been an international worker in 5 different countries (including Brazil, Argentina, Spain, France, the UK, the USA and DR Congo), so I feel I can compare. Most German people I have met here are friendly and polite. They are also shy, cold and distant until they get to know you and trust you. They can then become trustworthy friends if given a chance. However, even Western Germany, the "sunny side" of the country, looks to me like a sad place to live in. If you do not have an inner light, you cannot shine, and no matter how much they try (even by having a few extra beers to look more relaxed), they are still stiff. This is because adult German people do not have that inner light. I believe German schools do a hard work to turn that small light off since very early in life. Hegel described the ideal of a Nation, and the individual just got lost in this pursuit of perfection. Here, the rule comes first. Even the German concept of beauty is born, in my opinion, from the harmony born out of precision and foreseeability. In Germany, job and academic titles are more important that anything. I have been systematically pushed to use my PhD title, and to mention that I have two masters degrees, which I find ridiculous. But if you want to be respected here, you are to be called Frau, and of course, Dr. Yes, people here spy each other, as one comment in this Forum said. I can see this in my workplace. Of course this happens everywhere in the world, but I feel Germany is the only place in the world in where spying and delating are consider good citizen actions. German citizens (not all of then, this is just a trend) are hyper competitive and do not like to assume mistakes because they have been taught that this would make them look vulnerable. Someone else's pain or suffering usually disturb, unless that someone else lives in Africa, and they do love to make donations for those who live very far away. I have had a terrible experience in a German hospital, in which lost a baby. When the nurses and doctors saw me crying and asking to be with my baby, they called the police and forced me into a psychiatric institution. When the doctor who received me at the psychiatric institution asked me about my story (he was from Switzerland) he apologized and told me that I had scared the doctors when I cried and asked to be with my baby and then refused to talk to them. I asked this Swiss doctor: But I lost my son, how do they expected me to react? And he answered, before letting me go home: German women stay silent in bed after a miscarriage, they might look pale but they do not cry out and do not ask to be close to their babies. Lesson learnt. Believe it or not, after being mistreated in such a horrible way, I do not hate Germany. I just feel sorry for the people who get used to the many positive things of this country (clean streets in Western Germany, nice cafes, cultural offers, good will) and do not dare to go to a different, more vibrant and alive country. I AM canceling my residence permit and leaving this country. I believe I would be happier in any country in the world, maybe with the exception of China and Russia. I have lived in Congo, as I said, in a house with no drinking water, no electricity, no TV, of course, with bullets entering my room windows and I have fallen into ambushes. Could you believe me if I told you that those were some of the happier years in my life? Yes, because Congolese people are happy to be alive, and their happiness is something that I absorb. As I am, right now, absorbing the emptiness and unhappiness of this dear, but sad, very sad, German nation.
Ready to leave Germany 15 mrt 2009, 12:26 - Rapporteer misbruik -
Germany do not sucks
I am impressed about the people ho have hate feeling for Germany, they really a need psychiatric treatment.
I am living in Germany for a lot of years and I can not see anything bad or wrong on the very contrary, the people is kind and polite much more than in other places and is a land of wonderful cities and towns.
So the ones who write all that shit above should go for advice to a MD and also go to church and pray for your mental sanity.Brian 15 mrt 2009, 04:22 - Rapporteer misbruik