hola a todos les escribo solicitando una ayuda a ver si fuera posible irme a vivir alla y poder encontrar un trabajo que me ayude no solo ami sino a toda mi familia. aqui en mi pais todo es muy limitado y tienes que trabajar muy fuerte y no se ven muchos frutos, gracias amigos se los agradesco de mucho corazon, chaooo lili
14 Giu 2007, 05:37 lilliana
re: work
I apologize that I cannot speak or write in Italian. I am not much help to you but I hope that you find the work that you are looking for. What country are you looking in?
I am curious about your name. We named our daughter Lilliana. I am assuming that you are Italian and am curious why your parents chose Lilliana and not Liliana. Also, I am wondering if the spelling Lilliana is becoming more used in Italy. We chose Lilliana because my grandmother who was Italian always referred to my mother Lillian that way although she never did spell it, she just said it.
I look forward to your response.
jmsmjmsm 05 Lug 2007, 03:35 - Denuncia -
Je parle peux d´anglais, je voudrais parler avec un personne qui sache francais, pour la location ou la vente, d´apartements, garages, edifices etc... Mon telephone est le 664424811, je travaille a Valencia, en Espagne, pour si quelqun veux parler avec moi. Mon prénom est Patricia. Merci beaucoup.
Makler 18 Lug 2007, 08:12 - Denuncia -
Hello jmsm!!
Actually lilliana wrote in spanishbut it is pretty similar to italian.
Back to the business...
Does Switzerldand have something like the US' Silicon Valley? How hard is for a foreinger to find an IT job in there? Specially in the french spoken cities.
Regards =Dqa 31 Ott 2007, 01:24 - Denuncia