finnish girls in need of an job in London

  • Hello all,I just browsed through all the London job webpages there probably is and found myself from this site.Right so here's my problem,me and my friend are moving into London in early january and are desperately in need of an job.If any one knows any job recruitment agencys who could find work for foreigners in London,I'd really appreciate some answers.Any kind of an job will do actually,I was working in Basingstoke as a waitress for half an year sometime ago,but would like to try something slightly different this time,just for the reason that would like to have weekends off even occasionally.We have been working for Nokia for quite of an while,so any kind of an factory work would be nice,health care,sales,cleaning,anything goes really=) also if there's a possibility to benefit our mother tongue,finnish,that would be brilliant to know about these possibilities aswell.
    Please don't hesitate to contact me if you think you could help us even a little bit=) Thank you, here's my email address: [email removed]

    Mirka Saarinen 05 Dic 2008, 11:04 - Denuncia
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foreigner in need of a job!!! URGENT PLEASE HELP

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