Looking for a furnished room in Utrecht (from 1st of September)
Hi, I'm a lithuanian girl and will be studying my master in law at UU. I need a furnished room from 1st of September. I am friendly, sociable, can easy adapt in new places.
Hopefully someone has an offer for me. (I could pay not more than 450euro, preferably less..
[email removed]Julia 26 Giu 2009, 01:14 - Denuncia
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room for rent in utrecht
- Need a room for 3 months
- looking for a room
- Looking for rooms
- looking for a room
- looking for a room
- sos: looking for a room
- urgent!! looking for room in Utrecht
- Need a room in Utrecht from October to December 2008
- A room for a young man
- looking a room urgently
- looking for a room in utrecht
- looking for a room in utrecht
- house
- accommodation
- vivienda
- I am in utrecht and dont have a room, please help me
- I need a room in utrecht for a month
- l need a room in utrecht
- l need a room in utrectht 250/350 per mounth minimum3 mounts
- Need a room for one month (1st January to 30th January 2009)
- hi!
- Rogelio Palomino
- Looking for two separate rooms with common facility
- Desperate!
- Room---OR---Flat-mate's
- Room---OR---Flat-mate's
- room to rent in Utrecht Netherland)
- room to rent in Utrecht Netherland)
- room to rent in Utrecht ( Netherland)
- room te rent in Utrecht - Netherlands(holland)
- looking for a room in Leiden
- Room for 3 months
- Room for 3 months
- Room for one year
- Room for one year
- looking for a room
- In need of a room!!
- help us : )
- a room for one year
- I have nice flat , NEED A ROOMMATES ONLY GIRLS pls.
- need room
- Have a nice 1 bedroom apartment for rent at cheap rate as long as you're decent and trusthworhty
- Have a nice 1 bedroom apartment for rent at cheap rate as long as you're decent and trusthworhty
- Beware for the scam above
- Beware for the scam above
- bluff
- looking for a room in between Feb and Apr 2009
- Room for rent at cheap__________Utrecht
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