Hello Sir/Madam I need a Job Plz Read My mail

  • Sir / Madam

    i am trying for a single job in dubai for a long time.i am not able to get it.not even any thing. people only ask for c.v, put do not reply. now i just to not want only inquries i want a job. money is not my main aim of working .
    i want a change in life.

    I am an Expert Computer Hardware Engineer, Mobile reparing with in deapth knowledge of all types of Computer Hardware , Networking and related systems with an excellent track record of 5 years experience . I am also having sound knowledge of Pagemaker 7.0, Photoshop 7.0.
    Ms-office 2000, Visual basic

    I am well experienced in Computer Hardware Service , Installations with good command looking for a job as System work and Mobile Reparing and mobile software. All kind of do.

    I am not completed my graduation (B.A) I dis-continue in middle Because my finance problem

    So if there any opportunities please let me know... I am very dynamic with good communication skill and transparent attitude.

    [email removed]
    Ph : 00923224763646
    Thanking You

    Atif Idreeds

    Atif 21 Lug 2007, 07:45 - Denuncia
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