Old Janice
Ok, you want to make yourself as interesting person. You can continue, but tell me? WHAT STYLE DO YOU DANCE? Janices answer:"i dont know" jejejej. Poor of your "students" that you say that you have, the way how you defraud them! jajaja You must to continue practicing, because this congress suposse to be your first time on a stage making the ridiculous(and this was because dan didnt say you on video before, it is wasnt like that, even because you offer yourself for free, you have never been on the publicity), i think that you NEVER will make a show in a congress, this was because Dan make you a favor to promot you and you were to one day to go over the stage and make your debut, and you pay back with a scandal, with you partner quique that no practice with you and is evident that dont suffer you, is obvious that he dance with you because in cusco is nobody else,
but if it was not like that you will must to dance with your cat, because he prefer his sexual life (something that you dont have obviously) than to go and dance with you. So if Dan invited you to teach and perform, why you dont show the official invitation letter?,it supousse that all artist have one when someone invited to participate in a congress, but you dont have it
obviously, because you offer yourself!!! when you were so gelozing of your friend cesar and even you speak shit about him to convince dan dont call him for the congress!! sorry but this is the true YOU ARE NOT A WHITE BIRD!, By the way, you can love the latin life, i never said that non latin people can not, but in your particular case, you can try all what you want but first look at your foot, sorry darling!and again by the way, if you are interesting to know about lawyers of dan you must to ask him, is not your bussines but is so big your hunger of drop poison that now you speak at the name of everyone here even the anonymous people that according with you are very "honest". The good point here is that you recognize that you has been influence from this forum againts dan. Interesting!
Salsera Peruana 27 mars 2007, 08:31 - Signaler un abus
Carefull w. Fraudster Dan in Marbella
- No Salsa Congresos in Marbella
- fraud with shoes
- Dan Sela ist ein Lügner!
- Dan Sela
- Sela Salsa Scam
- Dan Sela, Sela Robotix,
- Fraudster Sela on the loose
- Picture of Dan Sela with one of his victims
- Dan Sela lives off others
- Fraudster Dan Sela
- Dan Sela: I want your cash for a Congresso
- Salsa Fraudster Dan Sela - salsa DVDs
- Sela lies
- Hi Guys with anything most important to DO!
- The Great Man Dan Sela
- Warn others - newspaper article
- more lies
- Salseros for Dan
- Women that Love Dan
- Gruop of Investor from UK For Dan
- A real Journal
- Fraudster Dan Sela update
- For Dan
- Shares Holders of SRUK LTD
- Dan Sela In Montreal
- Warn others article
- Dan sela en montreal spanish
- please someone clea rthis up for the people of Lima
- sela frauds
- Dan Sela in Peru
- Dan Sela is in jail
- Good call !!
- Dan Sela arrest
- photos
- Dan is free again.
- we need your help
- dan sela
- Arrest in Peru
- publicity
- Cancun Beware
- Sela Salsa Lima website
- What a scam
- Sela Peru scam
- more Sela cons
- now I'm sure
- congress