Virtual German Phone Number

  • Hi. I have just managed to purchase a German Virtual Phone Number in Berlin and have it pointed to my UK landline. I didnt realise that this was possible and thought it usefull to share with all of you. The site i got the number from was

    Hope this is helpfull for you?

    30 mai 2007, 04:27 Tim Sayer
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  • Virtual phone number in Germany

    You can also use Skype In for this kind of stuff - that way you can receive call to German fixed phones all over the world

    Dan 09 juin 2007, 03:01 - Signaler un abus
  • Handys

    Yes that sounds interesting. I tryed this with sipgate. They also offer an german phone number. But what about the cost to the target phonenumber. Could you use the number also with your mobile phone?

    Handy 13 fév 2008, 01:25 - Signaler un abus
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